Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Ah. SO Nice...

I'm only half-awake and working on my second cup. I'm sleeping in shifts yet again and that lil quirk was compounded by the fact it's been raining all morning (unusual, to say the least). And this isn't your typical High Plains gully washer... where it rains furiously for ten minutes and then quits altogether... it's been a steady, light-to-moderate rain. Perfect for sleeping, in other words. The pitty-pat of light rain on my roof is the best tranquilizer/sleep aid I know! But... I'm up and working on the coffee now, after catching another 20 winks or so while the coffee pot worked it's magic.

We really need the rain, and we’re getting a LOT of it…which is a great good thing.

Back in a bit…


  1. A VERY good thing. I'll probably get to use my 4wheeldrive when I pick the kids up this afternoon! More tonight and tomorrow as well.

  2. I was hoping the wind would die down, too. But: it's still here!


  3. Would like to send you some rain from Western Ohio....we don't need any Buck, and we could go several weeks of sunny, dry, weather and not miss it one bit.

    But that won't happen, it's not in the cards.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.