Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Upside Down, Yet Again

Check this out: Ow' to Speak Clintonian: Foreplay. And there’s a LOT more where that came from… I’m bookmarking this guy toot sweet, most ricky-tick, and raht now!

(h/t: Lex)


Via Blog-Bud Becky… another one of those famously-addicting quizzes:

One of these days I’m gonna have to give some serious thought as to why I find these things so damned interesting. On the one hand, it makes me think I’m overly narcissistic (is that redundant?). OTOH, I love seeing other folks results, so it ain’t just narcissism. As I said: this requires thought. But not today.

As for the hour of the day I supposedly am? Well, if we wanna be literal… I was fast asleep at 1002 hrs this morning. And I never, ever eat breakfast. Never have, never will… food literally makes me ill first thing in the morning. Breakfast used to be a half-pot of coffee and four cigarettes. Now it’s a full-pot o’ coffee, but no cigarettes. Some things change for the better, eh?

As for the 10:02 a.m. hour, my circadian rhythms, and all that: I’m upside down again, mostly because…


… I stayed up ALL night watching the reek associated with the VA-MD-DeeSee primaries. And like Morgan, I’m feeling sorry for Hillary. Really. Mainly coz Barack scares the living shit out of me. There’s absolutely NO doubt in my military-mind he’s achieved true phenomenon status and that, Gentle Reader, is damned hard to fight…whether your name is Clinton (for the near term, Dem-side) or McCain (in the general election). It’s also the scariest thing about democracy… Example:

As for all these recent Obama victories, I couldn’t be more excited. What’s more, it seems that several of Mrs. Clinton’s formerly certain superdelegates seem to be tempted to join the Obama bandwagon. I just hope that all this momentum is going to come to fruition. I hope that the change of which Mr. Obama speaks so elegantly is real. I hope he really can offer the opportunity for the people to take back their government. I hope this all isn’t a dream. I hope we really are the change we’ve been waiting for.

Momentum. “Change.” People “taking back their government.”

I call “Bullshit.”

It’s ALL emotion where Obama is concerned and smells (stinks, actually) of demagoguery, as in... a good-looking, articulate guy with a rhetorical flair and a great smile, yet who is absolutely devoid of substance... and that guy is now anointed as the front-runner on one side of our election process? What else would you call this, other than demagoguery?

But it’s still early days, and I’m holding out my own sort of “hope.” I hope the media start calling Obama out and demanding some specifics about his brand of “hope” and “change.” Or at least giving Hillary a couple of column inches or 30 seconds of teevee time when she does the calling-out, which she has been doing.

I might be waiting for Godot.

(Note: I’m not assuming you’re stupid, Gentle Reader. I have some younger readers who may not have been… ummm… “exposed.” Just think of my obvious reference as being “for the children.” We might be doing a whole helluva lot of things “for the children” in the near future… I’m just Getting With The Program.)


Today’s Insignificant Inquiry: Am I too picky?

That collection of romaine stems is what I throw out when making my evening salad and the quantity is significant (I eat what’s in the bowl, obviously). I hate stems. One assumes they’re edible, otherwise they wouldn’t be in the package, nu? But I don’t consider stems like those you see to be edible…which leads me to ask the question.

Speaking of Insignificant Inquiries... why doncha go over and welcome occasional reader (and frequent commenter here at EIP) Ashley to the blogosphere!?! Her blog is less than a week old… remember what it was like the first week you began blogging, assuming you do this blogging thing? 'Nuff said.


I’m still playing with Pandora radio. And I’m still loving it, too. We’re riffing on Santana this morning, and it’s great good stuff. There IS a downside to Pandora, though. I’m hearing way too much stuff from my oft-lamented vinyl collection, which, as you may recall, is in the custody of SN2 due to space limitations in El Casa Móvil De Pennington. If ever there was a reason to get out of the RV and re-assume a conventional life, this is IT.


Today’s Pics: Kyoto, again (We're almost done, Gentle Reader!). This time it’s a couple of oh-so-narrow residential streets the Nipponese are famous for. And these are streets, not alleys. I've long wondered how long it takes the owner to park that car in the pic on the right. Or get it out. One has to be a patient sort to drive (and park) in Japan. You just don't know how good we have it here in the USofA until ya see how the “other half” lives.

As always, click for larger, if the spirit moves ya.


  1. Thanks for the link, friend.

    It's a yin-and-yang moment if ever there was one. People who use the minute-to-minute "vibe" to make their decisions, as opposed to the fact/opinion/thing-to-do hopscotched by all thinking organisms, are no blight on the human condition. We can survive them.

    I just wish they'd admit that's what they're doing. To themselves if to nobody else.


  2. In response to your insignificant inquiry: No, You are not too picky. Stems in bags of salads are fillers. I agree with you opinion of said stems too.
    Thanks for the shout out Buck.

  3. Jerk...i came over here to steal that Pandora link...and you post this...NOW i HAVE to comment! AND your going to make me WORK for it! NOW i've gotta link you!

    Saw this little ditty this a.m. you might find interesting on a blog i just discovered the other day... check Mostly Cajun out for a similar Obama vibe.

    Now...being a former prep cook at Red Bob's, you are not, in fact, being picky...ALWAYS de-bone the Romaine!

    I'm swiping the Pandora now. Wanted to listen to a little Jimmy Buffett and compare it to my own music engine (which i pay for).

  4. I was a 10:02 AM person. I think that means we have great minds and are normal, down-to-earth people.

    Both Obama and Hillary scare me. If he is being touted as the next Kennedy, what does that say about Kennedy? Did people vote for Kennedy because he was young, handsome and articulate? These are just insignificant inquiries - thoughts to be pondered.

    Yes, we really do have it good in the USA where streets are concerned. I complain about OK back roads (which are similar to NM main roads), but they are still much better/wider than most other countries.

  5. If he is being touted as the next Kennedy, what does that say about Kennedy? Did people vote for Kennedy because he was young, handsome and articulate?

    Yeah, I was just thinking about this over the weekend. There needs to be a name for this -- the prospect of electing a U.S. President from a generation that has not been in that office before. It's only an occasional event at best, and when it happens it has far-reaching ramifications. And it's VERY clearly defined. 1960, 1992, 2008.

    As in 1992, I'm really frustrated by the lack of substantive discussion of the issues...but that's turning into a one-note samba even without me humming along more than I already have.

  6. Morgan sez: We can survive them.

    Umm, Some residents of Gaza might just give you an argument on that point, Morgan. Elections, actions, consequences, and all that.

    Ashley and Jay: Thanks for the validation. And Jay...sorry to make ya work, Bud. ;-)

    Lou sez: I was a 10:02 AM person. I think that means we have great minds and are normal, down-to-earth people.

    Probably true, Lou. But breakfast? I'd much rather be associated with something like Happy Hour...

    And you're SO right about our roads, even NM roads. As you are with your other points. Morgan agrees, too.

  7. Hmmm, I don't think my pickups would fit down that allie. Do you? LOL!

  8. That's funny, I was 11:59AM . Thought I['d be midnight!

  9. Buck, go check out the image in Querkey Turkey's Nov. 23rd (I think or maybe it's 27th) 2007 post if you like really good salad greens.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Jenny sez: I don't think my pickups would fit down that allie.

    Not even with folding mirrors, Jenny. Didja notice how narrow that street was in my beer-machine pic about a week or so back? And that I'm standing outside a store? The Nihon-jin have special little teeny-tiny, three-wheeled pick-ups that supply those stores. They're a hoot to watch careening around town...

    Phlegmmy sez: Thought I'd be midnight!

    That surprises me, too, after reading about your week-night excursions!

    Lin sez: ...go check out the image in Querkey Turkey's Nov. 23rd...

    I found it. Yechhh. It looked alive. I guess it couldn't "sal si puedes." (Rough, very rough, that...)

    Paula sez: I like the stems.

    Why does that NOT surprise me? ;-)


Just be polite... that's all I ask.