Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Merchandise YOU Can Use. Maybe.

An occasional correspondent sends this along, and I thought you might find some of these products useful…
Like this:
Just the thing if you find yourself in a hot ‘n’ heavy political discussion with a ‘bat. Or maybe your mother-in-law. Pull this out, offer ‘em a piece…and things should be all over but the shouting, eh? Well, discounting the possibility of a beating about your head and shoulders, if the discussion you're attempting to end is really with your M-I-L.
This lil item on your immediate left, on the other hand, is something I have little or no use for these days. Assuming, of course, the product is meant to be a shared experience, as the packaging would seem to indicate.
You, Gentle Reader, are probably in a much different boat (and arguably a much better boat) than I.

I might could change my…ummm… situation, were I to buy a ton of this stuff on the right.
Ya think?
Nah. Probably not. I probably would just get the sh!t slapped out of me, were I to offer a piece of "Get Lucky" gum to some unsuspecting sweet young older thang.
And finally, I have absolutely NO use for the product on the left, nor do I know anyone (nowadays) that would. You have to squint to read it, but the gum comes in "Fresh Fruit Flavor." Heh.
I used to know folks that would buy a ton of this stuff, not that there's anything inherently wrong with that. But I left SFO five years ago… ya know?
All this merchandise and much, much more...available here.
Update: ...later that same evening. Dunno how I missed this, but I did. And I just had to rectify the oversight, of course. I might get one or two of these non-permanent tattoos. They're right up my alley.
Gnarly. Yes.


  1. Buck, now I'm going to keep chuckling and visualizing you trying that 'Get Lucky' gum in Portales.

  2. I have a box that held some of that gum here on my computer desk. Something about being a bitch. Can't remember who gave it to me, though. It was delicious.

  3. Lin now yuou've got me started laughing about Buck and the "Get Lucky" gum! ("Hi, I'm Buck ... care for a piece of gum?")

    If I were to consider any of these products, it would be the "Let's Pretend I Give a Shit" gum and the elderly tatooes. LOL.

  4. Lin: Tell the truth, Girl. What you're really visualizing is me getting the shit slapped out of myself, right? ;-)

    Phlegmmy: The same company markets a line of "True Bitch" products. Kinda neat, and I know women who'd qualify as recipients, in both literal and campy senses. Bu it won't be ME passing that stuff out. See above.

    Sharon: I'm definitely buying the Elderly tats! And I might buy some of that "Give a Shit" gum, too.

  5. Okay, I'll 'fess then. Yeah, it was that but also the thought of some big ol' cowgirl chasing you around the cantina, intent on branding ya. Yee-haw! Maybe those elder tats are much safer toys.

  6. Lin sez: was that but also the thought of some big ol' cowgirl chasing you around the cantina, intent on branding ya. Yee-haw!

    Have you put a tail on me?


Just be polite... that's all I ask.