Sunday, February 03, 2008

Sunday, Tacky Sunday...

Apologies to U2 concerning the post title.

Via Blog-Buddy Becky (kinda-sorta, with absolutely unintended alliteration), here’s an older (2004) but still relevant video... Chris Anderson of Wired Magazine speaking on “Technology's Long Tail:”

What’s particularly interesting about this video is we have the luxury of hindsight with which to judge the value or accuracy of Mr. Anderson’s prognostications (interesting to me, that is, Gentle Reader. YMMV.). I think he was remarkably accurate.

Further… when I say “kinda-sorta” about this video and associated links, it’s because Becky posted a much different (and arguably much better) vid from About which: a waaay-cool site. Lotsa good stuff here, and the site is an hour- or day-killer, if you let it be. Situations like this are where a wife would come in handy, as in “Are you STILL on that @!!$#&% computer?” Coz I spent much more than an hour here this morning. MUCH more.

Which goes a long ways towards explaining why it’s after 1400 hrs and I’m just now getting around to posting.


So. Ready for the Snoozer-Bowl? I’m only half-jesting… “half” because the ads are usually always much more entertaining than the… uh… actual game. At the risk of offending 66.6% percent or more of America I think the NFL, in general, and Super Bowl Sunday…in particular… represents the absolute worst of 21st century America. That goes for 20th century America, too, if you want to get historical. Ya gots yer tacky, yer bling (oops. That was redundant.), yer crass commercialism, yer over-paid self-important athletes, yer over-priced every-frickin’-thing, yer fascination with the bottom of the triviality barrel, yer… I’ll stop now. The list is endless.

But there are cheerleaders, so all isn’t lost.


  1. No super bowl here, not even for the commercials.

  2. I only watch the Super Bowl when the home team - the Patriots - are playing. Which means we didn't watch for years. I'm sitting here watching the game and the commercials. Good fun. (Score - 7 to 3, Pats).

  3. My dream man. NO FOOTBALL!! YES! No super bowl here either. I did watch the commercials. But not the game.

  4. UGH~ You knew I'd have to have something to say about this....... AT LEAST 0NE OF THE MANNING'S BEAT THE PATRIOTS.......AND was a great game....anytime you beat a team with a perfect game in the gotta say YAY!!! ELI You the Man.....I need a Giant's Jersey now with Manning on it......

    You knew even with the pain I'd be watching........RIGHT? My husband called me with the last second on the clock, just about the time crybaby (I used another adjective in my post for him) Bill Belichick marched his butt off the field...we celebrated together 7000 miles apart!!!!!

  5. I'm a social football watcher. If I'm with people who watch, I'll watch. This year wasn't around many football watchers.

    The commercials are entertaining, but I'll catch them online where I don't have to watch 3 hours of football in between if I don't have to. ;)

  6. Well, I tuned in at the half and was very pleasantly surprised. That was a great game, although Pats fans won't think so.

    Ashley: A little clarification is in order here. I don't watch football on Sundays, Mondays, or Thursdays... unless it's Bowl Season. Saturdays are an entirely different story. The teevee goes on sometime around 8:30 or 9:00 a.m. every Saturday morning in the Fall for the pre-game shows and doesn't go off until after SportsCenter is in its second run-through.

    I love college ball... it's the pro game I don't like. And "don't like" isn't nearly strong enough. But I don't like to use words like "hate," "loathe," and "detest." Even if they do apply in this case.


  7. Wow...this is a first here at EIP! Two folks commenting at the same time I was writing my comment. I'll probably never see this again...

    ASW: Good for you! I'm not taking anything away from folks who LIKE the's a matter of taste. And it's a great good thing you got to celebrate with your Hubby. Too cool!

    Laurie: Same here, back when I actually had some semblance of a social life. I've been to more than a few Super Bowl parties, but usually wound hanging with the women in the kitchen or elsewhere.

    Yesterday's game was truly an exception to most Super Bowls... in that it really WAS a game, until the very last seconds. Ya gotta like that.

  8. Thanks for the shout out Buck. I love the alliteration!

    That was the most exciting Super Bowl I've seen in a long time--maybe ever. I don't get why every one is so keen on Superbowl commercials, though. They are no better than ordinary commercials in my mind. If you like them, though, you can find them all on

  9. Yep, I ended up watching the whole thing...except the half-time, I took a shower. If I wanted 25 year old Tom Petty music, I'd buy the CD.....those guys are as old as me.

  10. I don't mind college football. At least they actually play and don't just stand around. I like hockey and baseball too.;)


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