Tuesday, January 08, 2008


Via Barry at his oh-so-excellent Enrevanche blog… a political quiz that’s better than most, although Barry’s commenters would seem to disagree with my observation about accuracy and veracity. (Click the images for the larger, readable, versions, of course.)

So why did I title this post “Uh-Oh?” Simply coz I don’t want to change my allegiance away from My Boy at this time. It’s somewhat gratifying to note that Rudy and I are on the same page 71% of the time. I need to explore just a little bit to find out where we part ways, but I suspect it’s (a) on drugs (I’m on the record as being in favor of the “Dutch Model”) or (b) immigration.

(And what would an EIP political post be without the usual, customary, and reasonable Ron Paul parenthetical comment? Rep. Ron and I agree nearly completely on the subject of drugs. Paul's drug policies make him a wacko to most Americans, and that's a Funny Thing… to me. It's his isolationist foreign policy ideas that mark him as a wacko in my book, not the drug-thing. There are lotsa clichés that come to mind in this situation, no?

And no...I am not trying to set the world's record for "longest parenthetical comment." I think James owns that.)

I’d be interested in hearing/seeing your results, Gentle Reader.


  1. I'm scared. My guy was my third - Fred Thompson at 79% similar. Rudy at 82% similar. And - big gulp - Duncan Hunter at 83% similar.

    I will admit I misread a question about immigration; if I'd answered the way I should have I think Fred would be 1st for me.

    I'm not changing my loyalties either - especially not for Duncan Hunter!

  2. My results were 85% John McCain, 80% Mike Huckabee, and 76% Duncan Hunter.


  3. Hunter 85% Thompson 84% Mitt 73% McCain 71% Rudy 65% Paul 57%...was shocked to see Hillzilla at 47% and Osama is his momma a 46%....that I agree with anything those ass clowns think makes me wanna puke...;)

  4. I was:
    Duncan Hunter: 87%
    Mike Huckabee 78%
    Mitt Romney 76%
    Rudy Giuliani 71%

    My low end:
    Dennis Kucinich 25%
    John Edwards 34%

    I dispute my results concerning John Edwards .... I DON'T AGREE WITH HIM ON ANYTHING.

  5. Okay, you asked. Impression upon reading the survey: Yech.

    Huckabee 79% (ech/oy-- wouldn't vote against nor abstain).
    McCain 71% (Never!)
    Thompson 71% (Okay, but is it true he went along with McCain-Feingold? If so then with reservation and a close eye.)

  6. The questions are icky to begin with. I know that a dumb computer can only do so much, but the guy who wrote the program and questions strikes me like the 'school marm' that asked for 'a show of hands' in Iowa.

    Each question is too complicated for this method, and the wording pushes answers. But we're just having fun here, right? Right?

    I didn't click the 'find out why' buttons like you did though.

  7. I obviously did something wrong. My results matched every candidate 100%. I don't think so ....

  8. Thanks, all y'all, for indulging me and playing along. I'll have to do the whole thing over (later) as I didn't see the alternative-universe candidates and how they compared to my views. Thanks for pointing that out!

    reese sez: Each question is too complicated for this method, and the wording pushes answers. But we're just having fun here, right? Right?

    Right. I'm deeply skeptical of the intent behind political quizzes (but not paranoid...I'm not developing the next-generation of conspiracy theories here), and always view them as fun, nothing more.

    Lin: I can't imagine how you got to where you got (on the quiz), but perhaps your results suggest a career in politics? ;-)

  9. Thanks for the shout-out, Buck. These online tests are silly, but fun - and I find that I get more comments on them than damn nearly anything else I post, probably due to the audience participation factor.

    Lesson learned: find ways to involve the readers. :-)

  10. Thompson at 76%, Huckabee at 75% (?!?), McCain at 73%, and Paul at 68%. No big surprises anywhere other than Huckabee. Agreed with most everything on Thompson other than drug policy, same with McCain (although I didn't get any questions about campaign finance reform...I think we'd have a few differences of opinion on that one,) and agreed with Paul other than Iraq/foreign policy and immigration, which isn't surprising given his very unlibertarian immigration stance. I have to question the methodology on Huckabee, though. I got a similar on taxes and budget and a similar on trade and economics. They are being very charitable to Huckabee by characterizing him as a tax cutter and for free trade. It's the equivalent of characterizing Obama as for a strong foreign policy and against gun control.

    Just not that accurate.

  11. Barry sez: These online tests are silly, but fun - and I find that I get more comments on them than damn nearly anything else I post, probably due to the audience participation factor.

    Agreed, Barry...and I find the same thing is true regarding comments. I still haven't figured out what hits folks' fancy, but I'm continuing to work on it...

    Mike sez: They are being very charitable to...

    Just not that accurate.

    I always wonder about the methodology on these things, which is rarely, if ever, published...even in the most general terms. I found my results to be pretty accurate though, except for my position vis-a-vis the Democrats... Which were wrong in nearly every regard.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.