Sunday, December 02, 2007

Well, It Made Me Laugh...

Via blog-buddy Morgan…a series of politically INcorrect ads in last week’s Daily Mail (UK). Two or three of these made me laugh out loud, but this one…

Well, let us say that the scenario depicted herein probably occurs much more often than we want to admit, eh? Present company excepted, of course. Both you and I would never indulge in such behavior now, would we, Gentle Reader? As either administrator OR recipient...

Added at 1435 hrs: just in case I'm not entirely clear... I meant "indulge in such behavior" as meaning consensual activity between adults. I do not associate any other connotation(s) with the above image.

Dang. I begin with the intention of lampooning the PC-World and end up joining it. Such is 21st century life. Disclaimers 'R' Us.


  1. Oh I would and I don't mean the stale coffee either....insert a wink here....

    So I'm not sure if I am laughing my butt off at the "spanking" the connotation behind it, your amending your post to explain it, or the fact that I probably have a can of stale coffee in my cabinet that my husband could care less about, but I may have to use the picture from this post because I know he will get a good laugh out of it and I kind of LIKE IT! HA!

    Eh, either way, thanks for the laugh and the link, I enjoyed all the photos....but this one, it was especially good... I do wonder, though, do you blush?

  2. That's hilarious. I once dug up a '70s apparently non-PC ad at the Beemer shop and we ran it again. We thought it was great. OMG, the neurotic whiners came slithering out of the woodwork. I wish the world could lighten up again.

  3. That is funny! Isn't it strange how PC we have become, when the old stuff was pretty darn good.

  4. Just a heads up, figured I'd let you know...I've been flagged as a spam blog so I won't be posting until Blogger decides to unlock me.

  5. Well, Ladies...thanks for the vote of confidence! And Mike's note is exactly why I put that stupid disclaimer on after the fact. The last thing I need is for some shrieking pseudo-feminist misanthrope harpy to flag my blog as "offensive" or sexually harassing.

    And...yeah, I DO blush, ASW. In polite company, anyway. Which is sorta strange given my background (the Ol' Sarge thing). But amongst good friends and family I'm pretty much blush-free. ;-)

    Lin: Old bike ads just have to be the most sexist advertising material around...what with all the scantily clad models draped all over 'em. Norton was pretty big on that back in the day, as I'm MORE than sure ya know!

  6. Husband=Ohio State


  7. Loved that one, Buck.
    Spanking, as you hinted, is a time approved lead up to other various interesting and stimulating things. So I'm told. I wonder if lin knows more about it than I do?

  8. Catmoves sez: Spanking, as you hinted, is a time approved lead up to other various interesting and stimulating things. So I'm told. I wonder if lin knows more about it than I do?

    Lin continues to amaze and mystify me with the width and depth of her knowledge and experience. But I kinda doubt she'll share in this space...even if she knowledge. Or experience. ;-)


Just be polite... that's all I ask.