Monday, October 08, 2007

Happy Birthday Sam!

SN2 is 39 today…the beginning of the end of his (official) youth. Chronologically, anyway. And to honor this auspicious occasion (well, sorta), your military is sending the Lieutenant Commander to Hawaii. He should be in the air as we speak, winging his way over to PACOM to deliver some sort of briefing.

I got a ration from Sam last year about the nature of the pics I posted. So I won’t post ‘em again this year. (Insert smiley-face thingie here.)


  1. Happy Birthday, Sam! And I say post the pictures anyway! Isn't it a parent's duty to post any pictures of their children? LOL!

  2. And I say post the pictures anyway!

    Well...I linked 'em, Jenny, doesn't that count? ;-)

  3. Happy Birthday, Sam! And congratulations to you, Buck, on raising such a fine son. You have every right to be proud.

  4. Thanks for the kind comment about my parenting, Becky. But 99.25% of the credit for raising such a fine son goes to The First Mrs. Pennington. What little influence I had was limited to serving as an arms-length role-model. And that role-model thing, when you come right down to it, was questionable, at best. ;-)

  5. Wow - Happy Birthday Sam! What a handsome man.

    Buck - who says a "role model" has be all about getting to school on time and following the rules. Someone has to teach a young man about the, um, finer things in life.

  6. Kris sez: Someone has to teach a young man about the, um, finer things in life.

    True enough, Kris. But these days the boys could teach me a thing or two, assuming we're on the same wavelength. I base that statement on the fact that those two guys are swarmed by women whenever the three of us are together and go out to shoot a little pool and have a few brews. I always ask myself "How do they DO that?" Especially when they both have their wedding rings on.

    There has to be something about that "tall, dark and handsome" thing...especially juxtaposed with short, (used to be) blond, and all-but-used-up. ;-)

  7. Happy Birthday Sam! We're now the same age...way to go 1968!!
    No reason to worry about your dad's pics...I was expecting embarrassing baby or prom pictures.

  8. Happy BIrthday, Sam!

    Thanks for linking the hated, embarrassing photos of Sam, too. Dontchya just love the ability to be the taunting, villainous Dad? The photos are wonderful, in reality. Give him another 20 years and he'll love them, too.

  9. Happy Birthday, Sam!

    There is something to that tall, dark, and handsome thing.

  10. Must be in the name oldest is also Sam(age 25), as was his Great-Grandfather....

    Happy Birthday to your Sam, and Salute for serving.

  11. Thank you all for the kind words... I still (respectfully) disagree about the pics, linked or not.

    Sorry for the late reply, I just got back from my (work) trip to Hawaii... a truly beautiful place.



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