Sunday, October 08, 2006

Happy Birthday Sam!

SN2 is 38 today. To say I’m proud of the boy is an understatement…

The pics: Sam as an enlisted sailor, 1988; his “official” portrait circa 1997; Sam and associates on board USS Monterey in or around the Gulf, 2004.

Short post today. Lots to do before SN1 arrives in a couple of hours and we get on the road to San Antonio.


  1. Dad,
    You're killing me. I hate the portrait pics... I don't mind the pic of me and the guys in the gulf though. Thanks for the thought. I don't really feel older, maybe a bit but that has more to do with having teenage girls.
    My day is all about finishing my JMO paper for the war college. Wish me luck!

  2. Happy Birthday, Sam!!
    I had no idea our birthdays were so close. By date, not age! I celebrated mine with my parents in Kernville just a few days ago.
    I love that third photo, too. What a good-looking group of guys.

    Buck, have a great time with Buck! Just got back from my own fun road trip. Fall is in the air - enjoy the sights!!

  3. Sam said: You're killing me.
    Somehow I knew that would be your reaction!

    Happy belated birthday and thanks for the good wishes, Bec! I take it things went well in Kernville? Mom's all moved and "at home" in the new place?

  4. Happy Birthday, Sam. It is the duty of all good father's to embarrass their children - no matter what their age. The antecedent for "their" can go either way.

  5. Aww, I liked all the pics. I only feel old on my kid's birthday, and when contemplating wearing a bathing suit in public. LOL!

  6. Happy birthday Sam! And just be glad he didn't post a nekkid baby picture!

  7. Thanks to all for the B-day wishes. I know I have much to be thankful for... not the least of which is the lack of naked baby pictures on this site.
    PS After downing about 6 liters of Dr. Pepper today the paper still isn't done, but I've got another 6 liters standing by for nourishment and caffeine.

  8. Well, Glad to hear you're appreciative of Dad' discretion because, I hear the baby pics were considered. Lucky he didn't ask me!
    We are two sheets (three being the normal standard) to the wind and enjoying SA to its fullest. More to come...

    Happy B'day Sam!!


    Love you both very much!!

  9. First and most importantly, happy birthday Sam! I really enjoyed seeing Buck(y) on his birthday and hope to catch up with you also in the near future. I was mentioning to Buck how much I enjoyed you visiting me in Florida. Okay, it was 18 years ago but still a very fond memory.

    Second, my eyes perked up at the mention of Kernville. Kernville, CA? I grew up (half my childhood at least) in the Kern River Valley. Are you from there too, Bec?


Just be polite... that's all I ask.