Saturday, December 02, 2006


An answer to a question we’ve all thought about at one time or another, I’m sure:

Dear Yahoo!: What's the deal with kids wearing their pants below their butts?
Arcadia, California

The answer? Prison chic. My God. Personally, I think kids wear their pants in that manner simply to get a rise out of us Ol’ Geezers. That, and as a means of indicating they’re “with it,” or whatever term is au courant. Is there a person amongst us who’s never had the urge to walk up to one of these losers and say “Turn your frickin’ hat around, pull your frickin’ pants up, and get a frickin’ JOB!”? Or, as my Ol’ Man used to say: “It’s hard to be cool and smart at the same time…” I won't give you the context in which he used to say that. Let's leave well-enough alone.


  1. What's up with having to ask Yahoo that?

  2. Dunno! Maybe Kristin is one of those folks without an immediate grasp of the obvious...

    The prison theory is interesting, tho. I wonder if your average low-pants wearing dim bulb is aware of that. Probably.

  3. I think so. Today when I went to work, there was a man there wearing an orange coat with GRENADA COUNTY INMATE stenciled on the back. I don't know why being associated with crime/evil is considered cool, but it seems to be these days.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.