Another Red – Blue Divide… This time it’s football, and it’s interesting stuff, eh? As in politics, the nation’s sports fans are split dead-even on the Question of the Week: “Who plays
We’ll know what the matchup for the title game is gonna be tonight at 2000 hrs EST. My guess is it will be
Yesterday was a banner day for college ball, and ABC held all the cards (to mix a metaphor)…what with Army-Navy, USC-UCLA, and the Big Eight 12 championship game. I’m pretty sure all those games were on ABC, but I may have “misremembered.”
There is no joy in Mudville P-Ville… The mighty Rams have struck out (mixing yet another metaphor!):
BLACKWATER DRAW — A pair of sustained drives sandwiched a Portales miscue in the first half and the Las Vegas Robertson Cardinals went on to a 28-6 victory Saturday, earning their second consecutive Class 3A state football championship.
It wasn’t even close, what with
My Lil Reminder is still the leading google search term here at EIP…up to 47 hits now, and counting. Wondering what all the brouhaha is about, I followed one of the basic google queries and came up with…not a lot. A google blog search doesn’t reveal much, either. And, interestingly enough, aside from the “official” MyLilReminder site, EIP is the only result returned when using AOL search. (Resisting…resisting… Oh, Hell, I’ll just say it: AOL is SO lame.) Most of the blog entries I read have the same take I do: the product is stupid, stupid, stupid. And a very bad ad, to boot.
Have you been riding along with blogger-buddy Bec to Wyoming? You should…great pics and commentary. Maybe we’ll get an update today…
Oh, My! How DO I meet one of these creatures?
The ageing party girl (APG) is part of an elite sisterhood. She has forgone the cosy domesticity of family life in favour of living life on her own terms. Outside society’s rules, she is free to create her own behavioural template. Answerable to nobody, neither children nor husband, she can get drunk, behave badly and the only thing she has to contend with is a hangover in the morning. I should know, I am one: 38, unmarried, childless and having the time of my life.
I know, I know… move to
Today’s Pic: Another variation on a Trailer Park Sunset. I have 78 images of sunsets, taken on two separate days, in my December, 2004 photo directory. Yeah, I can be anal-retentive at times.
I saw the Arkansas-Florida game too. I almost though Arkansas was going to make a game out of it for a while.