Thursday, February 16, 2006

The Rest of the Story

Earlier today (OK, be technical: yesterday) I posted this:

Secret message: Jo: please drop me a note with your e-mail address. Lori and I exchanged notes this morning and we’ve begun the catching-up process. I’d like to do the same with you, too, if you’re agreeable. It’s been way too long and I have NO excuse for my miserable behavior.

Here, with apologies to Paul Harvey, is the rest of the story. Lori and Jo are my sisters, and we haven’t been in touch since my father’s funeral in 1990. Lori is the oldest, Jo is two years younger. And here’s where the back-story gets a little…uh…different. I went in the AF in 1963. My Mom died in 1964; my father remarried in 1965; I married The First Mrs. Pennington around the same time. My oldest son was born in 1966, Lori in 1967, my middle son in 1968, and Jo in 1969. Stair-step kids from a father-son pair. Perhaps you can imagine how strange family visits were during the period of time when Lori and Jo were young kids! Strange, but oh-so-interesting and fun!

So. Lori, Jo and I never shared a home. Given the nature of my Air Force career (world-wide assignments and constant moving about), I saw the girls only rarely as they were growing up. After my Dad died we lost contact altogether.

Then, in the best “I Heart Technology” moment ever, Jo googles me and finds the blog. And we’re back in touch.

This is the best thing blogging has done for me! Or, for that matter, will ever do!


  1. That's really cool Buck. Life's too short not to realize just how important family is. Great story!

  2. Hey Buck! I'm reading this a week later but it's fun to see our story published, and I'm very happy to have found you!


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