Monday, January 16, 2006

Monday, Monday...

..."~~can't trust that day~~" Another earworm. I'm very susceptible to those things, and I'm liable to have Mama Cass and the rest of the crew in my head all day unless I take counter-measures. So I put Van on the box..."Dweller on the Threshold" will remove the earworm, posthaste! I have "Live at the Grand Opera House," "Poetic Champions Compose," and "Back on Top" all queued up in the CD player. It's a Van kinda day at El Casa Móvil de Pennington.

The coffee tastes strange this morning. I'm near the bottom of the current bag, and I think a couple of those FrenchVanilla/MochaHazelnut/AsparagusBroccoli or some other flavored bean got mixed in with my oh-so-loved Foglifter blend. I'm a coffee snob, I'll admit it, but not to the extent where I have my own grinder and a $1,500.00 espresso machine. I like coffee, not dessert, in the morning! I always take great pains to clear the store grinder before I put the Foglifter in, but something happened with this last batch. Oh, well...

So...up late again last night. My site meter was stuck on 999 for what seemed like forever, but then, at 11:16:54 p.m., visitor number 1,000 came by. Mr. or Mrs. or Ms. 1,000 is from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan...and they were googling for "Regina, Sask." They were probably disappointed. But I wasn't. One thousand hits in about 45 days is oh-so-modest compared to the mega-bloggers, but it sure works for me! Many thanks to all of you who honor me by stopping by to read my scribblings.

Speaking of googling, I'm getting a fairly large number of hits from people googling for "new ameriprise financial commercial guitar player" and variations on that theme. And it ain't just the same guy, either. The hits have come from Virginia, Colorado, and Washington, among other places. Way back in November I wrote:

Ameriprise (We're the new financial consultants from American Express!). Oh-so-wrong, on so many levels. Blatant pandering to the overly-absorbed-with-themselves Boomers, what with the kitschy 60s video clips and "oh weren't you COOL" voice-overs. And they ripped off the Spencer Davis Groups great "Gimmee Some Lovin'," an unforgiveable sin.
I was writing of my distaste for really bad commercials, and the whole Ameriprise schtik is one of the worst, for reasons stated above. I particularly hate it when one of my favorite songs are used to sell something, anything. I don't know who I'm mad at more...the Madison Ave types for including the song in their ad, or the artist (or current copyright holder) for selling out. Both have my scorn, for what that's worth. I'll go on the record right now: I will not buy any product that uses/abuses music in an advertisement!

A change in the weather...going from brilliant sunshine this morning to scattered fluffy cumulus clouds to gray overcast to rain and snow later this afternoon. Accompanied by another wind event, of course. Portales, and this part of the world, in general, is the windiest place I've ever lived! Number One Son commented on this while he was in town over the holidays, saying "I'd forgotten just how annoying this damned wind can be!" Yep. You got it. Some days are worse than others, but a calm day is a rarity here.

Well...time to hit the showers and get my day going, as Van sings:
If you see her
Say, "Hello"
Well she's someone that I surely know
When I was young she made me roam from my home
In the County Down

She lifts me up
She fill my cup
When I'm tired and weary, Lord
And she keeps the flame
And she give me hope
[To] carry on


  1. Howdy thar Buck, I see you've been busy. I'm a coffee clutching fool too but have never had Foglifter. Who makes that? I drink a four shot espresso every morn and in the afternoon. But I use a french roast ground fine. Thanks for stopping by and leaving the kind words. It is true, he is probably the only one who suffers and sometimes we suffer alone until we are spent of it.
    How is it Buck that you are able to tell who your hits are? I would be interested to know. Hope you are feeling better. I think I found your cold but it's not been too bad, mild case.Take care my friend!

  2. Hey Barb!

    Foglifter is a medium roast produced by Millstone Coffee Co, it may not be available in NY. I first began drinking it when I was down in Texas in 2000. I've lived exclusively west of the Mississippi since that time and have always found Millstone coffees in markets that carry "grind your own" beans.

    Site Meter tells me where my hits come from. Not personally, as in by name or such, but by ISP and geographic location. And not always then. Site Meter is accessible to anyone visiting a blog using the freeware version; all you have to do is click on the Site Meter icon at the very bottom of the page and you'll see exactly what I see. Site meter is VERY entertaining, what with global maps, showing the origins of your traffic, distance measurements, etc., etc. It's easy to install, too.


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