Tuesday, June 04, 2013

There She Goes, Again

Not her, but damned close... both bike and girl.
I was out and about earlier today and I saw her again.  There's this raven-haired beauty here in P-Ville who rides a Sporty and the town is small enough that I see her two or three times a week, sometimes more.  My FIRST thought when I see her is "Damn.  I need a woman like that in my life."  She's striking, indeed, what with that jet-black mane flowing behind her and that tight-fitting tank top that accentuates all the best points... pun intended... of the female form.  She's a sight to see... confident, beautiful beyond a doubt, and she's on what appears to be an immaculately-maintained bike.  What's NOT to like?

Well, this.  My second thought when I see that girl is "she ain't all that smart."  First: no helmet.  Second: that tank top, which would be fetching in the bar, is gonna coz her immeasurable grief when and if she unloads.  (Short parenthetical digression: there are only two types o' bikers, those who HAVE been down and those who are GONNA go down.  No exceptions.)  Bottom line: not all that smart.  We're at an age where "smart" outweighs pulchritude by a large margin.  Still and even, I do think I'd like to have a couple o' beers and bench-race a while with that woman.  There's an outside chance I could change her attitude and get a helmet on that pretty head and leather on that well-put-together body.

A mission, eh?


  1. Go for it! Okay, Buck...you and I BOTH know that neither you, nor I care much for the recently departed George Jones.

    Still...and none of one has to do none with the other here (Sorry...I'm sure that don't make no sense). But, while reading this post, what immediately came to mind was this...

    Sure...your chick is on a momocycle (which has nothing to do with Corvettes, etc).

    However, there is a small flash of a chick on a momocycle in this one.

    Make her wear a helmet! Damn...I'm gettin' old...

    1. Heh. Thanks for that. I'm a LOT like that ol' man in George's song, in that the Vette reminds me of the one I loved back then. "Hot as a two-dollar pistol" don't even come close.

      Big-ass sigh... on account o' both the girl AND the car.

    2. Heh! Thought it might ring a bell...

  2. A mission? More like a quest I'm thinking.

  3. I've seen the best biker in the world go down after going over. He had plenty of time to see the idiot pull out right in front of him; ust no time to actually do anything to prevent slamming into the car's front end. Young navy guy wearing all the kit. Got off the ground mad as hell but OK. His bike was a mess though.

    Past a certain age we don't listen anymore. Usually at a slightly older age we remaster the skill. In between those points it can be an awful learning environment.

    1. He had plenty of time to see the idiot pull out right in front of him...

      That was my story, too. I was doing 70 mph on a fast two-lane road in Michigan's Thumb when a clue-free farm girl turned left in front of me. I sustained compression fractures in two vertebrae after flying about 70 feet over and beyond the car but lost not a single drop o' blood due to the fact my frail body was wrapped in full road racing leather and a good full-face helmet. My passenger wasn't quite as lucky: she went right into the car's rear quarter panel and the impact snapped her femur in two. But, like me, she lost little blood due to the fact she too was properly dressed. There's a lot you can do to protect yourself on the road but you can't fully insulate yourself from the actions of the unaware.

  4. It is important to set goals for oneself.

  5. I was thinking of the scenes in "American Graffiti" where Richard Dreyfuss keeps seeing Suzanne Somers in the white Corvette.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.