Monday, December 13, 2010

Today's Happy Hour Soundtrack

Pink Floyd...

It's true:  I wish you were here.  A day like this, while not wasted, would surely benefit from convivial conversation and shared libations.  But here we are, self-satisfied and content in our solitude with bell beer, book, and candle cigar:

Such a beautiful day!


  1. Bite me.

    Drove to work in snow, came out from work to 25 degrees and icicles on my car and flurries. Wind gusting to 30 mph.

    Oh, and tonight is supposed to get "bitterly cold" -- wind advisory, too.

  2. Trade ya some snow for some of that sunshine! Global Warming is freezing us here in middle TN.,
    Buck, ya got it made!

  3. Bite me.

    OK! Your place, or... ? (Sorry about your WX. Srsly.)

    Scooney: Life IS good right now!

  4. Just look at the color of that sky! We're still frigid here -- actual freeze warnings south of Lake Pontchartrain -- but it's supposed to hit 70 come Thursday. Enjoy!

    Love me some Pink Floyd!

    Bell, Book, & Candle was a pretty cool movie. Kim Novak's eyes were amazing. Can't tell you how many cats in my aunt's family were named Piewacket!

  5. Great song, great pic, great weather! I'm not too jealous, ask me in March. LOL!

  6. Kim Novak...As a 10 year old boy, I fell in love with her. Seriously, I did.

    And then I saw her in that film with Lloyd Bridges...maybe it was "The Swimmer," maybe.

    And then in something else with the homo Rock Hudson. Don't remember what it was, but she was prettier than him.

    Some of my fondest memories of childhood. Yeah, The Roadrunner and Captain Kangaroo were okay...but Kim (even in black and white) just really sent me.

    What was I saying? Oh yeah...froze my ass off tonight after getting called in to work for a sick co-worker.

    Buck...Bite me!

    HA! WV: rumbo. (too tired to elaborte) You can't make this crap up.

  7. Cheeky bugga! The rest of your faithful followers are freezing their collective a$$e$ off!
    Seriously tho', enjoy...

  8. Just look at the color of that sky!

    I thought seriously about snapping a pic of the sky, Moogie... especially when a high-flying jet cut a brilliant white contrail right above me. The blue/white contrast was remarkable.

    I was 13 when Bell, Book, and Candle was released and, like Andy, I fell in LURVE. You're right about those eyes...

    Laurie: Or February, eh? I hear ya, tho. March was always "get outta Dodge" month while I was in Ra-cha-cha.

    Deb: Today is gonna be a kinda-sorta re-run of yesterday, except cloudier.

  9. Buck...Bite me!

    Heh. You won't get the same response as Kath, Andy.

  10. Our day was a bit cooler, but still not bad. Tomorrow is supposed to be great - Stucco Day!


Just be polite... that's all I ask.