Friday, December 10, 2010

Signs O' the Times

Just in from running the day's errands, which included a stop at the cleaners to pick up the wash'n'fold (Bless You My Children!) and some dry cleaning.  And then there's this:

That's a Great Good Thing, innit?  No "Happy Holidays" BS here.

Added, 12 minutes later:  Yet another perfect pour.

Dang, I'm good at this... practice does indeed make perfect (pours).


  1. Love it Buck, hopefully everyone will follow suit this Christmas season!!

    As for the beer, I couldn't have poured it better myself, well done sir, well done indeed!

  2. Buck, That's a good looking bag my man and that red check flannel shirt looks top notch.

    May Joyce and I be the first to wish you a Merry Christmas. We eschew all all that "happy holidays" PC stuff ourselves.

    And that beer really looks tasty. Haven't had a glass since I've been on the coumadin med. But I'm counting the days.

  3. So now you have someone doing your laundry - you lucky dog. It's like having a wife that doesn't argue or need up-keep. It just goes to show that some people will do anything for money.

    I looked at some Chimay beer the other day. It's cost gave me pause. Maybe I will need a special occasion to buy it - hmm, say Christmas.

    Dale, was the "follow suit" a pun?

  4. Dale: Thanks for the kind words.

    Dan: I hear ya. I'm a "Merry Christmas" kinda guy, too. It's sorta like a campaign ribbon in the Culture Wars. Thanks for your best wishes; I hope ya get off those meds soonest!

    Lou: You KNOW how I hate laundromats. I'll go to great lengths to avoid the "experience," and no small expense, too. Having someone else do my laundry costs about three times what I'd pay to do it myself. But it's worth it.

    Chimay IS pricey. I only drink it on special occasions myself, like whenever I hear a song I haven't heard in along time. ;-)

  5. I do like your cleaners! And the Christmas bag is wrapped around such appropriately festive garb!

    Yep -- I think you've about got tat "pour" thing down pat. But, practice makes perfect, so don't stop pouring.

  6. "...such appropriately festive garb!"

    And appropriately WARM for this time o' year, too.

    You should have seen the head on that beer before I got the camera out... it was about 1/8th of an inch above the glass, sorta like a lil Matterhorn of beer!

  7. Somewhere (and, yes, I'm too lazy to look it up) there was a story/article about the fact that people are going back to saying Merry Christmas instead of the more recent phrase of Happy Holidays.

    I LIKE hearing Merry Christmas, seems more cheerful than Happy Holidays.

  8. We're on the same page, Kath. They're even sayin' "Merry Christmas" at Wally-World, too. That started last year.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.