Wednesday, December 08, 2010


So sez Mimi towards the end...

And she wants to be my soul-mate, too.  Sigh.  I guess she'll have to fight it out with Abigail, Lucia, Alice, Wendy, Elsa, and Rhonda... but only if I get to watch.  This also assumes she'll eat a few cheeseburgers in the VERY near future.

We posted this only to call attention to the WX (heh), because we were tempted to do an outdoor Happy Hour today.  It's not all that bad outside, what with it being about 59 degrees as we type.  But I'm thinkin' we'll hold off until tomorrow:

Yeah.  That looks like The Deal.  Don't it?


  1. You signing up for the signed coaster to put under your happy hour libation?

  2. A signed coaster would be cool... but I think the contest is for a signed poster. I'm not on Facebook, either... so that's a non-starter from the git-go. Mimi could drop by for Happy Hour any ol' time she'd like, tho. I'd feed her, too. ;-)

  3. Well...I wish I could find something witty to say.

    I can't. Oh Buck...

  4. After watching the video of the last weather girl, I'm not fallin' for that again. Our weather is similar to yours - meaning we will stucco today and tomorrow.

  5. I could use a bit of that 60 degree business today. Biting cold here, wind chill in the low teens.

  6. 67° for 9 Dec. ain't bad at all. I'd venture to say they won't be having happy hour outside in Detroit today.

    Oh Mimi! Dear Santa, I've been sorta good this year...

  7. Kris: Words fail, eh? ;-)

    Lou: Take your camera for the stuccoing, mmm-kay?

    Jim: This is just a brief respite for us.

    Anon: Prease to be choosing uzzer Wezzer Girl! Mimi is MY soul-mate.

  8. Mimi's all right, but grandma knows how to turn me on!

    She's making some Tortellini and pouring me a glass of Sauvignon Blanc...

    Later we are going to get nasty and do the dishes...

  9. Are we certain that Mimi's legal? Age-wise, I mean. She looks like she's dreaming of My Little Pony or the Care Bears. Of course, that little-girl expression could just be the drugs they have her on to keep her compliant.

  10. Anon: Yeah, reality beats fantasy early every time.

    Moogie: C'mon. You KNOW those girls from that part o' the world look younger than their years. It's a trait that's cultivated and reinforced with those affected "little girl" mannerisms. We've been around that particular block more than a few times... speaking only for meself, of course.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.