Sunday, December 12, 2010


I think that's pretty cool (heh), actually, but it ain't MY cuppa.  Now with that said, I'm thinkin' this record for attendance at a hockey game should stand for a while, unless and until the NHL puts the Winter Classic in a similar venue.  But there aren't THAT many stadiums in North America that seat as many people as The Big House, if any.  And there prolly ain't that many crazy people in one place elsewhere, either.


  1. That actually is pretty cool! I love the sportscaster's accent.

  2. Yeah, it is, innit? Truth tellin': I didn't expect THAT many people would turn out, even in Michigan.

  3. Some videos will not load, therefore I have to watch and wait, watch and wait. Drives me crazy.

    Anyhoo, I don't do cold like that anymore either.

  4. That one didn't load, Lou? I just watched it again (for about the fifth time) and it worked well for me.

  5. The Winter Classic is to be held here in Calgary in McMahon Stadium. There's absolutely no way that the attendance will be that much. The old gal couldn't hold that many people if you hung them from the rafters! And no, I won't be attending that one.

  6. And no, I won't be attending that one.

    You are one smart lady, Deb.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.