Thursday, September 09, 2010

Well, Now. This Looks Like Big Fun!

Hey!  Let's go on a cruise!  We can play furniture dodge-ball... among other fun things... like turning greener than your run o' the mill cucumber.  I shouldn't mention lunch.

h/t:  The Awl.  My go-to place when all else fails.  Which is where I also found this:



  1. Well, the WSJ clip is hysterical! I love the Murdoch avatar!

    Pepper and I took a cruise back in the early 80s and went through a small squall. It wasn't as violent rocking as in that clip, but it was pretty hard to predict where your foot would land while you were dancing! That's also where I figured out why my big, strong husband was in the Army instead of the Navy! No sea legs -- or gut.

    Funny stuff! What's really funny is the Google ads that scroll across the bottom of the video -- one for discount cruises and one for Pennington's Bird Seed -- I kid you not!

  2. That's also where I figured out why my big, strong husband was in the Army instead of the Navy! No sea legs -- or gut.

    That's precisely why I went in the AF, too. Well, partly... there WAS the family tradition, too. I crossed the North Atlantic (NY to Southampton UK) as a child and also sailed from Istanbul to Noo Yawk as an older child. BOTH experiences are still relatively fresh in my mind. There's sick and then there's SEAsick.

    I never told ya about the birdseed empire, did I? ;-)

  3. We've had a couple of cruises that came close to that. Both of them on the return from Bermuda; the crossing from the warm water to the cold is dicey at best.

    First time it was impossible to walk; we joked that the drunk people were walking straight! You really couldn't go anywhere without holding on.

    The 2nd time was a bit more scary. HUGE storm that the ship could not get around - waves were 12-15 feet and the ship rocked, rolled and heaved all afternoon and night. At one point the ship was on the crest of a 15' wave when the wave just - disappeared. The ship slammed down forward at about 2:00am - we know this because our mattress with us on it slid to the end of the bed; we waited to see what would happen next and sure enough, it slid back to the head of the bed. Scary. In the morning we learned that every gift shop on board lost most of their glass display cases; the liquor store on board lost all its stock. I swear you could have gotten drunk just on the fumes!

    Good times!!!

  4. That's why the Navy practices "stow for sea".

  5. Good times!!!

    Yeah... right! Forgive me if I say I'll pass. ;-)

    BR: I'm permanently "stowed for sea" in that I'll never again see pitching, rolling decks. Ever.

  6. Hmm, maybe I will mark off "take a cruise" from my list of things to do.


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