Thursday, April 01, 2010

We Broke the Seal...

... on the air conditioning.  It is NOT a nice day here on The High Plains of New Mexico:

Note the gusts:  almost 54 mph.  Sucks, it does.  The air is laden with dust, to be just slightly understated about things.

Update 1548 hrs:  The three o'clock report from CAFB: 

"Blowing Widespread Dust."  Yup.  Note the humidity... one reason why it's so damned dusty.  We're hunkered down with beer and a ceegar while watching the tumbleweeds blow right on by.  This too shall pass.


  1. Espero que la casa se ancla!

  2. As Younger Daughter said upon chomping into her first oyster, "UUUCKKK!!!"

    We're not far behind you,, but it's pollen that swirls around after a door opens.

  3. Well, we're not literally anchored Andy, but I think we're heavy enough to remain in place.

    Moogie: The pollen will arrive here soon enough!

  4. I know what Moogie's sayin'. Louisiana has turned greenish/yellow.

    Kinda like that Notre Dame football field... ;)

  5. heh...'this too shall pass'...and very quickly at that! We've been having pretty much the same here in South Central OK...well much more on the positive side with the hummid [sic] stuff.

  6. What?!
    I woke up to snow and we are now under a 'severe winter warning' - and the coast is just getting hammered.

  7. Well, after getting 10 inches of rain in 36 hours earlier this week, it's finally sunny here. It's shaping up to be a gorgeous weekend too - thank god. New England is famous for raging blizzards on Easter.

    Hope the winds are dying down for you Buck.

    BTW, the last few comments I've left hear have been eaten or something...just wanted to be sure you knew I've been here, even if I'm being dropped down some kind of memory hole for comments!

  8. You turned on the AC, I just turned off the heat!! But did put an extra blanket on the bed. (Don't want to go too crazy!)

    Kris, in New England, hope your rain is gone! You guys have had enough.

    And, yes, Buck, some of my MOST fascinating comments went nowhere. I think it's bec. of that box that pops up and says, "do you want to only show secure blah, blah, blah" and you have to choose yes or no. Choose incorrectly and it eats your comment!! I think -- I THINK -- for me it's choose no.


  9. Yikes! We never get wind like that here combined with those temps.

  10. Suldog is right - here in New England we get wind like that, usually accompanied by driving, pouding rains and cold temps.

    Something about the heat in New England keeps the winds down. I'm sure there are keen minds out there who know why.

    I just think it's interesting.

  11. Some of my comments have gone out into the etherworld, too! Glad to know it's not just me!

  12. Buck, I did lose one comment once on your blog. It was a good while back, and I had actually forgotten about it until others mentioned it.

    But, I don't see how it could have anything to do with your place specifically. Probably just a Globber deal.

  13. Jay: Oklahoma is world-renowned for its wind, no?

    Cynthia: You have my sympathy. Srsly. It's past time for Spring!

    Kris, Kath & Moogie: I find the missing comment thing VERY distressing. I've had Blogger eat comments before because of "server error" or some such, but it's always told me it ate my stuff. That sort o' thing usually happens after I've written some extensive screed with embedded links and all that.

    Kris: I'm glad your rains have passed. NE sure got the Hell beat out of it the past few days.

    Jim: The heat and the wind is an ugly combination.

    Our wind has died down from Full Force Gale to merely miserable, i.e. steady 25 mph and gusts of 30+.

  14. We had a track meet in that lovely weather Thursday! I didn't attend, but I wonder if they did the javelin throw into or against the wind?

  15. Glenn: Just wait a month. Heh. ;-)

    Jenny: re: the javelin throw. I'm thinkin' EITHER way wouldn't have been exactly fun!


Just be polite... that's all I ask.