Friday, April 09, 2010


Most of the "12 Greatest Geek Tattoos" aren't all that funny... but this one made me smile (click for larger):

Yeah.  I'd think twice.  At the VERY least.


  1. Heh! I've never quite "understood" the tattoo deal myself.

    But #3 son (my budding Soldier) has a "Don't Tread On Me," and a somethinoranother equally badass statement permanently affixed. Fortunately, his young gal doesn't "get them", she is unmarked. (Smart girl).

    Don't get me wrong. I have many very find friends that decide to permanently mark themselves. MANY FINE FRIENDS...

    I just never "got it."

    Daughter-in-law (who has not a clue about anything) has permanently disfigured herself with crap that only someone extremely impaired might possibly understand.

    My niece (who is also obviously worthless) has a "bar code" on the back of her neck. A grocery store bar code...and the price is getting "rolled back" weekly, it seems.


  2. Some are OK. Some are not. The one in shown here is not bad, not bad at all. The tattoo is OK, too.
    20 years in the Sea Service. Not a one. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Hate Needles.

  3. Andy: Yeah, I don't understand tats either. Like Glenn, I managed a full career without getting ink. I came close a couple o' times, but no cigar.

    A short story: At one point in time TSMP and I discussed getting each other's name tattooed on our butts... just a small tasteful little tat. We talked about this every time we went past a tat parlor, but never jumped. I kinda wish we HAD done it, coz nothing would give me more psychic gratification than the thought of her Beloved seeing MY name in certain "intimate situations." ;-)

    Glenn: Same here.

  4. Seems like that might cause a fella some performance anxiety.

  5. Heh! What BR said...

    Even though I have zero doubt that The Mrs. and I will ever split...I think the only tat I might consider is "Mother." There's no way you can EVER have another one of those (physically)...emotionally, spiritually, yes. But, if I got a tattoo that said "Mother," my Momma would whip my ass for marking up myself. ;) Seriously, I'm 50 years old, and she would start wailing away!

    But when it comes to her grandkids, she seems to be able to look past it.

  6. Ah, we lost so much with the demise of typesetting, yes? The poor centering of "this" would drive me bug-nuts. Seriously.

  7. The things we notice, Phlegmmy... the things we notice. The bad centering job just went RIGHT over my head. ;-)


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