Saturday, December 12, 2009


You know how some (most) commercials absolutely, positively make ya dive for the remote - objective: mute button, and right NOW?  Well, this ain't one of 'em:

I LOVE this ad... I actually turn the danged teevee UP when it comes on.  Which, of course, makes me wonder: why can't ALL ads... I'd settle for half of 'em, actually... be captivating, intriguing, or otherwise engaging?  Why must 97.2% of the damned things be obnoxious?  Making a pleasant commercial just has to be one of the hardest things to pull off in a modern society.  Obviously.

That said... I won't buy a Kindle until the price comes down by at least half.  But I like the ads.


  1. this one caught my eye, too. Very cute, charming, even.

    Someone told me that soon another reading tech item is scheduled to launch which will obviate the kindle.

    My problem with the kindle is when I drop my book into the fragrant depths lurking under the bubble bath surface, I wouldn't ruin just one book. *le sigh*

  2. My husband loves his -- it's too tech-y for me yet. He apparently didn't pay much heed to the cost, though, because when we planned to get one for my father for Christmas (a gadget sucker if ever there was one -- he took apart the first musical birthday card I sent him to see how it worked!), he about choked when he researched the price!

    I do like the commercial, though. But then I've always been drawn to stream of consciousness stuff!

  3. Phlegmmy: You raise a valid point about bubble baths and reading. Lotsa folks do exactly that, and I'm thinking not many do it with a Kindle. ;-)

    Moogie: Ain't it interesting that cost is seemingly no object when we want something for ourselves? I'm in this very same space, all too often... but it depends on the object and the value I place on it, of course. ;-)

  4. That is a cute ditty, lovely voice too and I am a big fan of female singers.

    One of my neighbors uses a Kindle, he has some kind of degenerating eye condition and loves the Kindle for jacking up the text size or adjusting the brightness and contrast to help with reading. We used to share books until he started using the Kindle. Oh well!!

    BT: Jimmy T sends.

  5. Bec: Thank you for the links... Sasha is an interesting performer and Doug is a great accompanist! OT, sorta... but the interesting thing? I read your comment in e-mail and g-mail showed the links as clickable YouTube videos embedded at the bottom of the message. I watched both vids from right within the e-mail message, never leaving the application. I've never seen that before and thought "how cool!"

    Jimmy: The tune and lyrics are just catchy as Hell, aren't they? That's too bad about your neighbor, as well.


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