Monday, November 09, 2009

Snippets From the AOR VI

SN1 sent the following along this morning, with permission to publish.
So there I Afghanistan...

It was supposed to be a 4 hour trip out and back for a 2 hour site-survey...yeah, right. Bad weather, 2 missed
landing attempts, and an almost dry gas tank later...we landed the UH-60 Blackhawk at a Marine  COP. Stuck for 4.5 hours...would love to say outside the wire...but there wasn't a wire. Just a big sand berm. So then the other problem pops up...they may not have any gas for us? Huh? What are these helo landing pads for anyway? So, then the absolute worst sandstorm I've ever personally experienced comes rolling across the plain. It was what prevented the original landing, at the original location. Only when we  were airborne, it didn't seem so bad...So we're stuck, at least for awhile...

The Marines, being great hosts offer a ride to the compound, in the back of a Hummer ambulance. Well, the new experiences just keep piling up!  The young corporal (I think...) tells us it will be a bumpy ride...and
so it was. Survive the helo ride, only to get hurt in the back of a pitch black Hummer ambulance? The only light was the luminescent green  glow from the CRO badge of our Combat Rescue Officer. So...a couple of bumps and a bruise or two later, we arrive.

I thought there was something different about the place...and there sure was. We've got what we call  "moondust" here in Afghanistan. Had some of  it in Iraq too, but this is the first time I've ever been anywhere like this. The entire place was covered with it. So, the wind is still  blowing and the moondust is coating everything...completely. I've never been so uniform. Walking in it feels like going through very dry, powdery snow. We then ended up in a tent watching a nearly unbearable TV broadcast, but that's where we heard the healthcare bill had passed the comment about that.

Anyway...we're all in various moods: Bored, anxious, and a couple of annoyed...we get a box full of MREs (I got lucky! Beef Stew!) have lunch and settle in for the afternoon. After a short attempt at a nap, nature calls. I head outside the tent looking for the port-a-johns...none. the SOP is what again? I get directed to three large PVC pipes sticking out of the ground at about waist level, at a very well thought out 45 degree angle on the big berm. I had to take a couple of pics of that. Ingenuity!

Business taken care of, I start to wander around...and see one of the most HOOORAH moments in my career: in the middle of the blowing sand and crappy conditions, this huge Marine is working out. Kettle bell swings, into a couple dozen push-ups, followed immediately by hanging leg raises. Pause. Repeat. God Bless the Marines! Gotta love those guys!

Meanwhile, on the other side of the COP they strained some JP-8 for us and put it into a makeshift refueler. So we get the word to head back to the birds. Over an hour later, having given each helo just enough gas to get to the original destination, we wait. Classic military situation: Hurry up and wait. The decision is finally made, we're taking the weather obs from the FOB and take off...with NVGs. 20 minutes later, we ended up at an Army FOB for the night.

So we're there and the Army Capt is hosting us. We talk business and then grab some chow. Best part of the trip!! Better food than I had in Balad last year, no kidding. T-Bone steak, med-rare, and I could cut it with the plastic ware! Lots of options: Mexican, Italian and short-order bars, 2 mainlines, way too many desserts! Good stuff. We finally get a tent for the night and find our cots. Me, 2 LtCols, a Maj, and a Lt. I was the only one that brought a 3 day bag...they all laughed at me getting on the helo...they all froze last night...I wasn't a boy-scout for nothing!

This morning was more good chow, some great coffee and a mini air show, courtesy of a guy and his gas-powered RC helo. This guy had some serious skill with that thing. Inverted flying, impossible banking maneuvers, upside down hovering within inches of the sand...great show. So we're ready to go...guess who's our helo pilot for the ride back to Kandahar? Oh yeah, Mr. RC Helo stunt pilot...we were a little nervous, especially the HH-60 pilot sitting next to me...

Got back late morning...good times in Afghanistan!
(Image from the web.)  SN1 is also updating his blog a lot more frequently than he used to... with pictures!


  1. Buck, thanks for putting this up, its great to read of the conditions there. Sounds like fun. I especially like the "I wasn't a boy-scout for nothing" I had a good laugh with that.

    Great read, I pray he stays in good health and humor!1

    BT: Jimmy T sends.

  2. Thanks for sharing! And glad the army could provide SN1 with some decent chow!

    His sense of humor (irony?) hasn't fallen far from the ol' family tree, now has it?

    He stays in my prayers.

  3. That was great. Thanks for sharing. He must get his writing skills and sense of humor from his dad.

  4. A soldier sent me a picture of those sand tubes - amazing!

    Great stories, thanks for sharing!

  5. Awesome!! Thanks for sharing!!

  6. Haha, that's a great story. The best part was the three day bag, because just this week I got told a similar story by one of the AMMO guys up here, more or less the same moral: be prepared, particularly when you're in Afghanistan.

  7. I'm glad you liked it, Mike. And yeah: A LOT of folks have rued being unprepared at one time or another...


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