Saturday, August 01, 2009

Today's Funny

From... yet again... the Usual Source.

I'm really out of step on this "Cash for Clunkers" thing. It seems like every pundit I read (or see on my teevee) thinks the program is just peachy... i.e., a government incentive that actually works... including most all our congresscritters on both sides of the aisle. I find the program appalling and an offense to my sensibilities. Blog-Bud Morgan put up a post on this subject... kinda-sorta, before he went off on a tangent... and for brevity's sake I'll just post the comment I left over at his house. To wit:
Clever libertarians now hot-rodding around in their ‘65 Mustangs and ‘71 Camaros are no doubt very grateful to…the taxpayers who paid the tab.

I find the very frickin’ thought of clue-free individuals abusing the public fisc in this manner to be supremely frickin’ offensive. REAL libertarians would buy their Camaros or SUVs with their own g*ddamned money. Rant against the Nanny State and then go out and shovel Nanny’s money into the trunk of your Camaro… yeah, THAT makes sense. Fucking hypocrites.

The italicized bit is a lift from Morgan's post. You'd have to RTWT to understand the full context of my comment, but suffice to say I didn't like the concept being discussed. That's putting it mildly. Now... about gub'mint health care... (insert smiley face thingie here)


  1. Toby has not been pleased with the cash for clunkers program. He thinks it upsets the usual balance of things. He would have to explain himself, but it would be a rant, I'm sure.

  2. I'm glad I'm not alone here, Lou. I'm prone to rant in this space, too... as you can see.

  3. Now if you're going to abuse the parentheses, that's the proper way to do it: Throwaway stuff. What is inside the clamshell, cannot survive independently without the rest of it, but what is outside the clamshell, survives just fine without what's inside. Throw. Away. Stuff. Garnish, like I said.

    I really don't understand why you're lowering yourself to a comparison with that halfwit. There's no comparison. When I finish one of your pieces, I don't even remember there were parens in it. That is exactly how it should be.

    Regarding the program, I never did get the impression that you and I were in the minority on this thing. Seems to me there is a widespread recognition that programs like these are a bad punchline at best, and an invitation for graft at worst. But I could be wrong about that...seem to recall at least one house of Congress voted some more funds into the "troubled" crisis-program a day or two later.

    The "libertarian" label, as I read it between-the-lines, was inserted just to maximize the offense to the hardcore Obama zealots. But I could be wrong about that too.

  4. I really don't understand why you're lowering yourself to a comparison with that halfwit.

    I wasn't... I was taking you to task for your "using parens like a woman" comment... coz I tend to use parens a LOT, as stated. But then again, your further point is well-taken, in that I try and use parentheses properly, LOL!

    Further... on the program... it seems like a lot of folks have come out of the woodwork over the weekend to condemn it. McCain said yesterday he would filibuster the bill in the Senate and there are more "antis," too. Good.

  5. Let's see...tell everyone that if they wait until the end of July to buy a car, the government will give them an extra $4,000.

    Everyone who is in the market waits, and lo and behold, all of the money is claimed in a week.



Just be polite... that's all I ask.