Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

1 Peter 1:3

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead...

Image: Sistine Chapel. Hendrick van den Broeck (1519-1597) — Scenes from the Life of Christ: The Resurrection of Christ (H).
(Yes... it's the same thing I posted last year. Some things cannot be improved upon.)


  1. Beautiful- Happy Easter Buck!

  2. Happy Easter!

    Did the bunny bring you chocolates?

  3. Happy Easter to you as well!

  4. Happy Easter Buck and all friends here and everywhere.

  5. Happy Easter to you to Buck, and all my blogger friends!

  6. Joyous Easter to one and all!

  7. Happy Easter, Buck!
    Happy Easter, all!

    Here is the hymn played at my church this morning -
    Christ the Lord has Risen Today
    but here's some music from earlier times...
    Christ is risen, a Byzantine Melkite Hymn

    And it continues 2000 years later...
    Orthodox Serbian singer (lovely)
    Hristos voskrese (Cute kids)

    And all over the world...


  8. Easter Mass in Malawi
    Who could resist this?
    Kirken o' the Tartan. And I wish I could have been there for this,too!

    And finally,
    Come Thou Fount by the David Crowder Band.

    Happy Easter!

  9. Happy Easter to you Buck and to the rest of the denizens in exile, virtual or otherwise, at Portales ;)
    - SJS

  10. I hope you all had a joyous and Happy Easter! And THANK YOU for those links, Bec... most excellent, as always!


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