Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Time Waster...

...well, not really. It's educational. Via blog-Bud Morgan (who was oh-so-prolific with his posting over the weekend), here's the Traveler-IQ quiz, and it's moderately difficult. The greatest difficulty is the scale of the map you're supposed to push pins into to locate the places the quiz asks you to identify, i.e., the map is too small. The closest I got on any one question was 58 kilometers...and that was for the easy stuff. I should have been spot-frickin'-on, and would have been if the map was larger. While my score is pretty good, it ain't near the best. There are folks who have scored well over 400,000 points...and the size of the map is a common complaint.

Anyhoo...try your hand. I'm up for challenges. And I'll play this again. And again. This lil quiz sure put a crimp in my "making the rounds" this morning. Which are still not complete, as we speak type.

But I'm working on it. Right after I try and raise my Traveler-IQ score jes a lil bit.


  1. Heck, I couldn't even see some of those countries! I didn't do so well, except on places in Italy. I only missed Mt. Vesuvio by 24 km.

  2. I thought I did pretty good with 26,000 points - then I looked at yours. Gulp - I'm an idiot, clearly!!!

  3. Okay I did terrible. 28,000+ points and not allowed to continue to next level. And I thought I was pretty good at geography.

    I need to go back and try again. Thanks, Buck; It was fun!

  4. 519,024, made it to the last level (level 12) but was about 20,000 points short of passing, mainly because I had absolutely NO idea on any of them. The last level is ridiculous. Before that though, I did pretty good. Only completely bombed one or two. However, on the last level, there is a question involving some Norwegian island which I figured was somewhere in the North Sea or North Atlantic. Nope, it's in the South Atlantic, a little southeast of the Falklands.

    I've always been *very* good at geography, something that comes in handy with the whole polisci/international relations thing. Helps a lot to at least have a frame of reference for where you're talking about.

  5. size of map and mouse sensativity are both issues. Broke 400K but not on the first try...

  6. Becky, Kris, and Sharon: You improve with practice, and, depending on the luck of the draw, some locations are easier than others.

    Mike: I bow to your knowledge and skill. Don't think I'll break 500K, but I have managed to get significantly over 400K a time or two. All those African nations and the 'stans kick my ass. I'd go toe-to-toe with you, though, if we used a map from, say, 1956. ;-)

    SJS: Agreed on the mouse sensitivity... it's hard to pinpoint cities in any of the former component parts of Yugoslavia, as an example.

    Louise: I DO like your game! Thanks for dropping by.

  7. Okay, I redeemed myself. 322,440 second time around. I got to level nine. I feel much better now. :)
    Great game, Louise!

  8. Haha, a simpler time indeed. I wasn't too bad on the 'Stans, as there's only one or two that aren't in the general region north/northwest of Afghanistan, but Africa absolutely killed me. A third I knew, a third I was in the region, and a third I had to make an educated guess about.

  9. 354K on first try. Like you, Sergent, I've my reasons for knowing such things. I was mostly guessing on the tenth level, though.

    So I didn't know we were supposed to try over and over. I'll give it another couple of tries to see if I can improve.

    Can I look at the map over my shoulder? To help me keep the Maldives clear of Mauritius?

    Louise, I'll look at the forum.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.