Monday, January 21, 2008


I’m surfing the ‘net this evening at these sorts of speeds:

Yep. My broadband connection, which I first mentioned back in March of 2006, is finally…finally! … a reality. I was loath to even mention the fact I had an installation appointment until such time as (a) Yucca Telecom showed up and (b) the installation was successful. I’m happy to report both (a) and (b) came to pass this afternoon. Yucca was on time, the installation proceeded successfully, and…

I am a Happy Camper! Yay!

No longer (hopefully) will I have to deal with stuff like this:

I know: never say “never.” But tonight I’m infected with joy and incurable optimism.

Thanks, Yucca. Better late than never.


  1. Congratulations!!! Yucky came thru, eh? LOL!

  2. I envy you. I have dial-up. I can not get broadband in the middle of nowhere. The house one mile away can. They are trying to expand their coverage area. How hard is it to cover one more bloody mile? Apparently very.

    I have been reading SN1's and Sn2's blogs. They are great men. Too bad for me they are both married;)

  3. Buck, Where's the link for that cool graphic test site. I've always used the CNET site, but I like those colors. :-) Welcome to the real internet!

  4. Hi, Buck. Thanks for stopping by my place. I, too, have enjoyed your commentary over at Mushy's. And, I'll definitely be back, also.

  5. Hey Buck ... welcome to the fast lane! I can just imagine how excited you are! ENJOY!!! (Now you can visit three or four times as many blogs as you already do!!)

  6. Jenny: That they did. What I didn't mention is that it took three guys a little over an hour to run the drop (two cables) into the RV and get it going. I'm not complaining, mind you.

    Ashley: I feel your pain. While I wasn't on dial-up previously, I had occasions to think I was on dial-up, as the second graphic I posted yesterday indicates.

    And thanks for reading The Boys. I only wish they posted more often, but unlike some of us, they have, family, etc.

    Doc: About that bandwidth test: Here ya go! I use this bandwidth checking service because it's local. The Yucca techs were more "believing" when I said I had problems with my previous connection if I used their speed-o-meter.

    It's GOOD to be back in the fast lane. I had broadband in various flavors from '98 - '02, but had to go back to lower speeds when I moved to P-Ville because broadband simply wasn't available in this lil burg. Until now!

    Suldog: Thanks for dropping by... and for the nice words!

    Sharon: You're SO right about the capability to visit more blogs. Way cool, that is!


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