Monday, December 10, 2007

Former Happy Days

It's here... and a day early, at that. What's here, you ask, Gentle Reader? Why…the new scanner! So much for that "serious post" I alluded to below. I think I'm gonna be busy playing with the new toy for the rest of the day and probably well into the night, if truth be told.

So. Here’s my first scan: my favorite photo of The Second Mrs. Pennington and I, taken in Deetroit by my Good Buddy Greg sometime in the early '90s. Pretty good looking couple, weren’t we?

This photo scan has been resized to 20% of the original scan size. I think I might need a lil bit of training on this new piece of equipment…

Update, 12/12/2007: I was playing around with PhotoShop Elements and corrected the color on this print. The reults are as you see above. And, as always: click for larger.


  1. Great scan go out and invest in PhotoShop Elements and bring back the original color. There is a learning curve, but before long you'll be great!

  2. Looks fine.

    It's good to see some more pictures of TSMP. She must be one hell of a woman.

  3. Pretty good looking couple, weren’t we?

    Why yes, you ARE a good looking couple!

    Word verification: ginnnnig

    Talk about a palinddrome!

  4. Oops, yes, I mis spelled it. Didn't catch it until after I hit publish.

  5. The girl is beautiful, but the guy has an imperfection over his lip. Looks like it might be old liverwurst of somethin'. Maybe you can PhotoShop it away?

  6. Mushy: The photo color is "original." The shot was taken with little available light... PhotoShop Elements came bundled with the scanner and I might play around with this pic to "fix" it. Or not. ;-)

    Morgan: She is a helluva woman, indeed. You'll be seeing a lot more of her over the coming year, once I retrieve the archives from SN2.

    Becky: Thanks for being in agreement, LOL!

    Catmoves: That imperfection has spread out all over my face... but it comes and goes. ;-)

  7. Great pictures!!! Enjoy your new toy!

  8. Great pictures Buck, and yes, a good looking couple indeed.

  9. Scanners are the coolest thing for old photos. I spent 6 months of 2005 scanning hundreds of photos from The Hubby's family, to build a DVD for the family for Christmas. Did chapters on his parents, their courtship and early marriage, when they had their 2 kids, when the kids got married and started having kids, to the "one big happy family". Set it all to music specific for the time period or set of photos - it really did take about 6 months overall, but it was SO worth it on Christmas when we played it for The Hubby's family, and gave them all the DVDs and CDs with all the scanned photos.

    Used PhotoShop to restore some of the older ones, to reveal features that some people in the family had never seen.

    The program I used for the DVD was MicroSoft Photostory - it's awesome.

    Reflections by Kris

  10. This scanner thing is too cool - I want one too. You two are a handsome couple with a handsome boy to prove it.


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