Friday, January 12, 2007


My water line is frozen. No water until tomorrow sometime, more than likely late afternoon. Stupidity rears its ugly head once again. I wrote that yesterday was warm, and our overnight temps didn’t reach down into the realm of the freezing. Ergo, I didn’t open my tap just a little bit to prevent the inevitable freeze-up, coz…well, it didn’t freeze. I also wrote earlier that the temps were dropping, along with my spirits. I didn’t correlate the “no drip” situation with dropping temps until about 20 minutes ago, and…too late. Froze up.

Damn! I only have about three liters of emergency water, one-third of which is reserved for tomorrow’s coffee. No shower today…

Sometimes it sucks to be me.


  1. Awww... Shoot. Sometimes the beauty of being able to pull up stakes and move whenever you want to comes with an inconvenient price. Well sometimes these things do happen with stationary homes as well. So, just pretend you're camping... but like with heat and electric. ;)

  2. Ooo, my sympathies, Buck. :(
    Darned uncomfortable on a cold day. When you're camping, you can always go home.
    Can you go out to a movie, or something?
    The Queen looks interesting, if it's around Portales...

  3. Very sorry about your water. We've been watching the temps, too. When we left the ballgame at our school last night (our homecoming out here at Floyd, both girls and boys won. Not that our sorry newspaper would ever say anything about it), we didn't even have jackets on. About noon, I finally decided it was perfect fireplace weather and got one roaring in there now. If we were in town, I'd just invite you over to enjoy our fire and water. Dinner tonight is Trash (a combo of fresh German Sausage from a hog we had butchered, onions, and potatoes. I'm also going to break out some margaritas as well).

    Since bec asked about movies this week in P-ville. Well, it's Rocky Balboa and The Pursuit of Happiness. We have one movie house with two screens. Sometimes it takes a while for some flicks to get here.

    I hope your pipes thaw out soon. At least you have the Green Hornet if you have to go out to get more water or something.

  4. Man that sucks. I had my water line freeze up a couple of years ago, on Christmas Eve no less! They stayed frozen for two days. I had emergency drinking water, but had to haul water from next door to flush the toilets. When they finally thawed, I discovered that one of them had ruptured. Fortunately, it was easily replaced.

  5. How's your water today? I hope nothing busted. Not sure how the roads are, think I'll call the mail lady and see.

  6. Thanks for your sympathies, Ladies! Just like in the movie "Airplane," I picked a BAD day to freeze up. Yesterday the forecasted high for today was 43, that's been revised down to 28. Same for tomorrow... The WX Channel sez we'll get to 34 on Monday. Ha! I may go without until Tuesday.

    It's a freakin' winter wonderland outside my window as I type, Jenny. Dunno how things are out in Floyd, but I suspect not much different. The Green Hornet is coated in ice with a thin dusting of snow, so I suspect the roads are the same. {sigh}

    And Jenny...dinner last night sounds great! And the fire, and the margaritas...your life is GOOD!

  7. I think Jennye might be the person to know in Portales. Sounds like she knows how to get through a storm.

    We are on to football now, although I noticed that hockey was on also. My computer has actually let me stay online for longer than two minutes - yeha. So much for the pioneer woman in me.


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