Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Happy Birthday U.S. Army!

Today is the U.S. Army’s 231st birthday. Happy Anniversary to all you sojers out there. The picture above is my father, in a U.S. Army Air Corps first lieutenant’s uniform. Gotta acknowledge the roots, ya know! (hat tip to Lex, and thank you to my sister Jo for the picture of Dad.)

Speaking of Lex… he put up a very good mini-rant on Daniel Schorr, NPR’s commentator emeritus, this past Monday. I use the “emeritus” appellation quite facetiously. Schorr is and has always been the quintessential moonbat. Lex nails the guy perfectly.

A very interesting conversation is taking place within the Donkey Party at the moment, and it’s something all Americans should pay close attention to. It’s no secret that Islamic Fundamentalism and our response to it is probably Issue Number One with most Americans. Speaking strictly for myself, I’m pretty much a single-issue voter in this regard. There is absolutely NO way I could ever see politicians like Kerry or Gore leading this nation at this point in time (or any point in time, come to think of it), and national security is the chief reason. There are some Democrats that “get it,” but the Far Left doesn’t seem to. Today’s New York Times (free registration required) has a pretty good editorial on the subject. A couple of quotes, out of order, from the editorial:

That division was on dramatic display before thousands of liberals at a "Take Back America" convention on Tuesday.

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, Democrat of New York, faced boos and shouts of "bring them home" from an audience of liberal Democrats here on Tuesday as she argued against setting a deadline, wading into what she called a "difficult conversation." Thirty minutes later, the same crowd applauded wildly as Senator John F. Kerry, Democrat of Massachusetts, the party's 2004 presidential candidate, implored the Senate to back his call for a six-month deadline for withdrawal, and said he regretted his initial support for the war.

"It is essential to acknowledge that the war was a mistake — to say the simple words that contain more truth than pride," Mr. Kerry said, adding: "It was wrong and I was wrong to vote for that resolution."

The Dems are doomed to remain the minority party if they allow the Kossacks and the MoveOn crowd to drive foreign policy in general, and the war against militant Islam, specifically. Further evidence of this wrong-headed thinking is articulated quite nicely by Katrina vanden Heuvel in her editorial (Peter Beinart and the Beltway Crusaders) in The Nation. I can’t remember another person I disagreed with more on this subject. Ever. She is just SO wrong, on so many levels, it boggles the mind. But, that’s the Extreme Left for ya.

Still More Random Notes After my Zippo was confiscated last week I picked up a very cool disposable lighter at a convenience store outside the Manchester airport. What makes it “cool” is the fact it’s a throw-away piezoelectric butane lighter. I remember when piezoelectric lighters first appeared back in the mid-60s. A friend of mine spent nearly $50.00 for a Dunhill piezo (and it was as beautiful as it was functional) when they first came out, and that was a helluva lot of money back in the day. And now? Throw away piezos for a buck and change. Gotta love technology!

Hot, hot, hot. If you go to the Weather Channel’s Ten Day Forecast for Portales you’ll see we’re in for a run of unbroken, extremely hot weather. I’m considering building an altar to the Gods of Air Conditioning. I can’t think of another crisis that would be as extreme as the failure of my six-year-old AC unit. Talk about impact! Let us pray…

I gotta start taking notes. I know I had more to say today, but I can’t remember exactly what. These random thoughts occur throughout the day, usually appended with “I gotta blog about that.” Then I sit down at they keyboard and those thoughts simply vanish. I hope it’s just simple old-age, and not pre-Alzheimer’s symptoms.


  1. I know exactly what you mean about "I've got to remember to blog about that."

    How old do you have to meet thet ther Al Zheimers?

    Thanks for the link!



  2. Buck,

    Good looking photo of your dad!

    Great post! Enjoyed every word *and* links. Lex was pretty funny all right. I haven’t listened to NPR for a long time and, after reading that bit on Schorr, I’m not likely to start now. I remember it as being informative and insightful, but that was then and this is now.

    Thanks for the link to neo’s site. I believe you did mention it before, because I remember looking at it previously. I’m a little more receptive this time, though, and I believe I’ll be reading her more often. Very interesting. Saw that footage she linked to on Pallywood, too. Wow. If that doesn’t explain a lot.

    Interesting you mentioned Peter Beinhart. I recently heard about him from Marc Shulman, who swooped in on The Other Blog recently - much as you had done, Buck! Before any startled squawking could ensue, I engaged the guy in conversation (as I had with you) and he sounded quite moderate and reasonable to me. Well, I had to give up the family computer about then and when I returned the next morning, I found out that the squawking had started up anyway. Marc had been “twit filtered.” Since he had been respectful and measured in his questions and comments, all of this twitfiltering began to remind me uncomfortably of the book I’d been reading on the nomenklatura. I began to realize that there was a lot of true believer thinking going on. I could write a couple of pages about my other "epiphanies" over there, but I don't want this to turn into a diatribe! Anyway, Marc (a Truman Democrat) and I conversed via email a couple of times and that's when he mentioned Beinhart.

    Don't worry about Alzheimers, Buck. I've had that problem you mentioned for a very long time and I'm still okay. I tend to think it's the equivalent of the Absent Minded Professor syndrome. Too many thoughts swirling around in your head! I do think that there is an extra element involved though, just from sitting at a computer with so many distractions available. For instance, my whole family notices that whenever you think of something neat to look up on the computer, when you finally sit down, you can’t remember it. Also related is when you think of all the movies you want to see and then you go to the video store and can’t think of a single one.

    (By the way, I'm very quiet in person)

  3. Bec sez: Marc had been “twit filtered.”

    She threatened me with that, too! Kinda reminds me of the kid with the fingers in her ears going "la la la... I can't hear you! la la la..."

    And, I can't let it go by without observing "It's always the quiet ones that bear watching!"



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