Sunday, July 06, 2014


I tried that this very morning... it doesn't work.  I'm still old.  But I DID manage to get out of bed... so much for the day's first obstacle.


  1. I hear you about the obstacles. But what's with this "life hack" crap anyway? The word hack has certainly taken on a new meaning. Methinks many of the ones employing its new usage should take a look at the definition of "hack" as in "hack writer."

    1. ...the definition of "hack" as in "hack writer."

      Heh. That would be ME!

    2. No way you're a hack writer. I've made my view of your clear and entertaining writing and this blog in many other comments. I was speaking of other writers and twitterers (!) who are forever giving us life "hacks," whatever the word means in this context.

      In my own case, however, I'd be more than pleased to achieve the status of successful hack. But alas, even though I've tried, it's not to be.

    3. You're so kind, Dan. I really appreciate the nice things you say about my writing. FWIW, I liked the two books of yours that I bought.

  2. "But I DID manage to get out of bed."

    Just as long as the joints don't fossilize.... :)

    1. The joints are holding up at the moment, but nothing is forever.

  3. As thou may have deduced, I have no fear of obstacles, took care of that when I learned to swim via Navy Search and Rescue school at North Island, 1982. (I was scared every time I jumped out of H-3's, H-2's and H-60's over a 14 year period of service in that capacity).
    But I DO have a problem with morning laziness...! Inertia, it is strong.

    1. Yeah, I think being a rescue swimmer would make a LOT of life's obstacles look pretty small. I suffer from morning laziness, too.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.