Friday, December 06, 2013


There's this, for starters...

This is one of those issues where I've not quite made up my mind, or perhaps I don't quite know what to believe.  Eavesdropping on EVERYONE would be damned hard to do and there would be very little return on what would have to be a significant investment.  OTOH, the Fourth Amendment* implications... based upon what's been reported... are significant and scary.  I'm still enough of a rosy-eyed optimist that I think the accusations against the NSA are exaggerated.  It's the DEGREE of exaggeration I'm wonderin' about.

The WX still sucks...

... but the forecast is MUCH better, in that there's no snow in our immediate future.  Hopefully.  We'll get a slight warm-up on Sunday, too.  Huzzah.

Old age and infirmity are making further inroads here at El Casa Inmóvil de Pennington.  I've always been a reasonably slow starter in the mornings, requiring at least ONE cup o' coffee before I could be described as Fully Mission Capable, and that translates into about 20 minutes after I roll outta bed.  It takes a lot longer now, which is to say at least an hour or sometimes more.  The Reader's Digest version is my back... which isn't getting any better and is somewhat worse... so now I have to wait until the aspirin kicks in, along with the caffeine.  I'm not one to whine (a lot), but damn!  This shit is getting OLD.

* The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.


  1. I'm with you on the NSA thing.

    As to the attaining of FMC in the morning? Oh yes, I see where you are and I'm headed that way.

    1. Oh yes, I see where you are and I'm headed that way.

      What Kris said about getting old. ;-)

  2. I too would prefer to believe that the NSA is being judicious in the application of its program. But then - does that make it OK? And then I think about the current administration in power and what I would PREFER to believe and what is likely the truth - get further apart.

    I hear you on the slowness. My back, hips and knees make the start-ups in the AM a bit challenging these days. As the saying goes - growing older ain't for sissies.

    1. I try to avoid politics these days, but it's a very difficult thing to do. And I SO hear ya on the getting old bits.

    2. There is much laughter in politics these days; I think. If I ever was to take it at all seriously that would be a badness. Yes they show a downtrend but they ALWAYS show a downtrend. Besides, I have faith in the youth of today who are going to have so much fun with politics when they get ahold of the levers.

    3. I have faith in the youth of today who are going to have so much fun with politics when they get ahold of the levers.

      Me? I'm glad I'm OLD. I don't wanna watch a bunch o' Millennials in power, Thank ya very much.

  3. The problem with limiting belief about what the NSA does is that it largely stands accused by its very own words and briefing documents that have been looted from the agency by means no less fair then they are technical. Sauce for the goose.
    I am still a youthful age and find that it is actually now more painful to lie abed in the morning after hours because my back hurts too much to continue. Getting up is a surcease from pain which maybe doesn't bode so well for the future. darn it.

    1. ...find that it is actually now more painful to lie abed in the morning after hours because my back hurts too much to continue.

      I've been sleeping on a heating pad since my back flared up and find that helps immensely. It doesn't CURE things, but it does help. I hear ya about the foreboding, though. I've seen this movie (the back movie) and it ended in surgery and lots and lots of painful rehab. I don't expect the sequel to end any better.

  4. Dear Sir or Madam, I have reviewed your diet, and I can say the reason you have a bad back is a terrible fluid intake we call beer. There are two chemicals that should never be used other than small quantities, and that is beer and soda pop.

    Beer is a very dangerous chemical, because it is unregulated by any federal food agency. That is, as long as it claims to be made from malted barley, then it doesn't need a food label. Not to worry, it really isn't a food, it is a profit product, and it is filled with additives you can't even pronounce.

    If I had to guess, I would suspect your kidneys are giving out, due to the high intake of these poisons. Very often people think they have a bad back when in fact they have kidney failure or kidney cancer. I had a friend who had a bad back and it turned out he had cancer of the adrenal glands (attached to the kidneys). It went downhill from there as he decided on chemo therapy. People! If you have cancer, it can't be cured, and the cure is worse than the disease. You can't live forever. I always advise the purchase of a 38, as the bullets are big enough to actually kill you, and not just wound you.

    If you don't have cancer, I would suggest switching to distilled products only. You should consume 1 tall glass of water for every glass of distilled product. Merry Christmas!

    1. If I had to guess, I would suspect your kidneys are giving out, due to the high intake of these poisons.

      Don't guess, you're wrong. Take, instead, the advice of your betters:

      "Beer, if drank with moderation, softens the temper, cheers the spirit and promotes health.” - Thomas Jefferson

      “I recommend...bread, meat, vegetables and beer.” – Sophocles - Philosophy for a balanced diet

      "Whiskey's too rough,
      Champagne costs too much,
      Vodka puts my mouth in gear.
      I hope this refrain,
      Will help me explain,
      As a matter of fact,
      I like beer." - Tom T. Hall


Just be polite... that's all I ask.