Monday, November 25, 2013

What's Wrong With America?


Am I bein' too harsh here?

Updated, much later that same day:  Dunno why I didn't include this earlier, coz it does fit: 

The h/t goes to My Buddy Ed In Florida, who's in the same boat as I am: essentially debt-free.


  1. The card's almost irrelevant now that the consumerists have all but taken over Thanksgiving
    Thanks a F---ing lot WalMart

    1. I'm not so sure it's just Wally-World. There are precious few retailers that are able to cast the first stone.

    2. It were the bunch from Bentonville who got this ooh, let's open on Thanksgiving so folks can shop earlier thing started
      They wanted to one up Best Buy and their midnite start time

  2. Too harsh? No. Perhaps not harsh enough.

    And what Skip said.

    1. Um, IT. I meant to say IT (it's just that right now, Skip and IT have the same logo. I got confused, Um, I was texting while commenting. NO EXCUSE SIR! Dammit...)

  3. I saw a posting the other day that said "For every Christmas light lit before Thanksgiving, Santa's Elves kill a baby Reindeer"

    Alas, I don't celebrate Thanksgiving or Christmas. It's not that I'm against them, I just don't care. I put on my overalls and go eat a meal at the local church, only because I'm a cheap fucking bastard.

    1. The North Pole must be ass-deep in reindeer carcasses by now.

  4. I'll never understand the mindset that would engage in that kind of mindless spending on image stuff. I don't have it in me and hope it's an inheritable trait.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.