Friday, November 01, 2013

I Don't Think So

Owning a mePhone means Apple spams me at least once a day, sometimes more.  I woke up this morning to find this in my in-box:

Which is obviously a product announcement for the new mePad.  I've seen the ads for the new mePad Air on teevee (they're quite good, as one would expect) and I was curious enough about the product to go look... in several places, actually.  So I clicked the "learn more" link in the e-mail before I summarily deleted it.  Once I got to the Apple store I immediately, without delay, clicked on the "buy now" link so I could see just how proud Apple is of their new baby.  The answer?

Very.  Too proud for this ol' geezer's liking (and his budget).  I'll admit I've been thinkin' lately about getting a tablet.  I've not been thinkin' too very much on the subject, but enough to be curious and read some reviews (like this one on the mePad Air, which is quite comprehensive).  And why am I thinkin' about a tablet?  My recent vay-kay taught me a tablet would be a nice thing to have on the road, versus lugging around my old laptop.  That said, the price of admission is considerable... enough to justify hangin' on to the laptop until it dies (or until I die, whichever comes first).


  1. We both got annoying emails this week from Amazon asking us to consider selling our iPads. You might be able to get one much cheaper, a whole lot cheaper, buying used. Also, does the cannon air force patch sell them at the exchange? There might be a discount of some degree there.

    1. That's a good ideer about looking at the Exchange, Curtis. I'll do that.

  2. You could also spit out the Apple and get a microsoft tab of some kind. Aren't they a bit cheaper? Or is a non Apple product out of the question? I'm interested in a tab too, but not till they come on down a bit. In the meantime we use Joyce's laptop on trips.

    1. Both MS and Android tablets are cheaper by far, Dan. I'm considering them.

  3. take are trying to out live your laptop. Man's got to have goals!!

    1. Man's got to have goals!!

      As limited as they may be... :-)


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