Sunday, April 07, 2013

Wouldn't THIS Be an Air Show?

Imagine a formation o' six o' these guys in a high performance take-off roll...

... and the bomb-burst finale.

(Purpose o' this post: to counter Squidly propaganda bein' perpetrated by a traitorous former Air Force sergeant whose stripes are at SERIOUS risk for "conduct unbecoming" and "actions prejudicial to the interests of the Air Force.")


  1. I don't wanna get in the middle of a USAF/USN whizzin' contest. I do, though, want to agree that a Thunderlancer would melt my coolness meter.

  2. ...a Thunderlancer would melt my coolness meter.

    Howzabout a ThunderBONE? ;-)

  3. I wish to make one thing absolutely clear, the sight of the Bone in Thunderbird livery, no check that, the sight of six Bones in Thunderbird livery doing the air show thang, would clearly out-do the Blues.

    I have seen the Bone in action, in person, and 'tis a wondrous sight to behold. Awe-inspiring, earth-shaking, etc. etc.

    All is forgiven Buck and I seem to have misplaced one or two of my Cossacks. You haven't seen them have you?

    1. Cossacks are notoriously unreliable. You need a democratic armed force, My Good Sergeant.

    2. Perhaps a People's Democratic...

      Uh no, that's not gonna work.

  4. Heh, where'd you dig that tricked-out schematic up, Buck? LOL.

  5. I'm thinking we could both milk this for a few posts. See my latest...

    1. Heh. You're much better at that P-shop thing than I'll ever be. We have, none the less, posted a ripost. At yer place.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.