Monday, April 15, 2013

The Latest From Boston

From the WSJ's site, about four minutes ago:

The WSJ is providing real-time updates, here.

I'm just in from the verandah and was gonna post Today's Happy Hour Soundtrack but we're not so happy any longer.  How terrible...


  1. We all knew it was just a matter of time, Buck. Too many mass-crowd, wide-area events--Mardis Gras, St. Pat's Day, Marathons, Football games, etc--that are IMPOSSIBLE to secure--except at the borders and tight visa control--and that AIN'T happenin'--ESPECIALLY under Obama..

    1. You're prolly right, Virgil. Horrifying, nonetheless.

  2. When someone has a problem in life, something isn't working correctly, there's a pain in your knee... you can't get much further than being grumpy if you can't describe your pain. How does one address a problem one cannot explain?

    Today, B. Hussien talked briefly about what had happened, and how he was going to get to the bottom of it all.
    He didn't mention the problem, he didn't mention how this would be different from the Benghazi affair that nobody talks about very much outside of the blogisphere. Some listen to his words, and say, "hear what he said he'd do" People that know his type listen to his words and say, "watch what he does".

    I expect nothing good, until feb. 2016

    Jim Hoft had reported the first bomb was set beside the area reserved for those waiting for the runners honoring parents of the Sandyhook School shooting. Maximum disruption, and at the time that the greatest number of runners would be in the area.

    God bless, these United States.

    1. People that know his type listen to his words and say, "watch what he does".

      Indeed, marc... indeed. Thanks for the blessing.

  3. My beloved city. I am heartbroken for her. Thankfully all that I know in the area are safe and accounted for. The fact that it was Patriot's Day is not an insignificant detail for a motivation. Lest we forget that Boston is the cradle of liberty for this entire country.

    1. I'm glad everyone you know in Boston is safe, Kris. Bostonians are tough people; I saw a Boston police official on Charlie Rose last night and he said something that stuck, to wit: "We care about three things in Boston... politics, sports, and REVENGE." Get some.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.