Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Happiness Is... (and THHS)

... an outdoor Happy Hour.

Ah.  Life is GOOD.  The A2 jacket was actually superfluous to requirements but it served to increase our R-Factor... bein' as small it is... and made us completely comfortable for the task at hand, which is still not completed, as we speak.  We shall get back to the great outdoors as soon as we've finished with this post.

So... we journeyed on out to Cannon Airplane Patch earlier today to satisfy some deferred requirements... deferred because of our lousy WX these past few days... said requirements bein' to pick up some meds from the pharmacy and OTC meds (read as: beer) from the Class VI.  In so doin' we were treated to the sight of a CV-22 shooting the Osprey equivalent o' touch-'n'-goes in the Cannon pattern (the Osprey equivalent:  approach the end of the active runway in hover mode, set down, swivel the engine pods to about 45 degrees from the vertical, and then commence the take-off roll... all of which takes about three minutes, tops).  Said Osprey did a vertical lift-off from the flight line just as we entered Cannon and then proceeded to shoot some touch-'n'-goes, which continued as were leaving the CAFB premises.  The only camera I had with me today was the trusty cellphone and we attempted to get a shot of the Osprey on takeoff.  Like this:

Alas, the cellphone camera really, rilly sucks.  This is a classic case of "you hadda be there," coz watching that Osprey do a short take-off roll was really sumthin'... in that the thing was airborne in about 500 feet, or so.  You have to take my word for it, Gentle Reader.  But it WAS... awesome.

So.  We're listening to the Siegel-Schwall Band this afternoon... which is where the THHS bit comes in and you can figger out the acronym, I'm sure... and this was one such tune:

One little piggie went to London (yeah)
One piggie went to Hong Kong
This little piggie's comin' over your house
Gonna love ya all night long
Well... Germany, London... same ol', same ol'.  That's the difference between the studio album and a live cut, which don't make no nevermind.

So now it's back outside to continue as we've begun.


  1. When GS and I were in San Diego last September there were Ospreys practicing at North Island one day.
    They are fun to watch.

    1. I find the Ospreys to be rather astounding, especially when they're motoring overhead with some dispatch. Helos can't fly THAT fast.

  2. BTW - the sky here is the equal to yours today... and the best part is it is shirt sleeve weather at the moment.
    The weather man was wrong about the predicted 67°F. Instead it is 71°F.

  3. So - The Oracle says that this is a standard blues progression (I, IV, V = C, F, G in this song). He, lover of music and possessor of perfect pitch, says the song is cool. He likes it. I'm ambivalent but I wouldn't turn it off if it popped up on Pandora.

    1. Yup... standard blues. Finest kind. ;-)

  4. I've watched the big planes circling and touching down at Altus, and I've watched the jets training at Sheppard, but I would love to watch the Ospreys _ I'm sure it was very cool.

    Good music, too.

    1. I like watching the fighters come and go... and I miss when the Lawn Darts (F-16s) were at Cannon. But, we make do with what we have!

  5. Nice blues. The harp man wails. For some reason, when I make my flimsy attempts to play the blues chord sequence, they sound better as E, A, and B7. Probably something to do with my own ineptitude or my old Silvertone. Sorry, I couldn't figger out the THHS bit. Need more coffee.

    1. THHS: Today's Happy Hour Soundtrack. And you've got ME when it comes to chords on the guitar.


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