Monday, January 23, 2012

NOT Racist

But most definitely sport-ist:

If you saw this pic standing alone (and you ARE, Gentle Reader), you'd be forgiven for thinkin' it came from the pages o' NatGeo in some sorta article about South African ritual dances.  But no, it's from a CBS News slideshow titled "The NFL's Most Rabid Fans."  Or sumthin' like that.  My first thought was rabid is rabid and there isn't such a thang as "most rabid."  You just shoot 'em... those poor animals so afflicted... period, end o' report.

My second thought?  You RARELY see these sorts o' thangs at hockey games.  Yeah, there IS some occasional weirdness, but it's weirdness I can really get behind.  Or in front of, as the case might be.  Example:

I rest my case.


  1. You ever notice how women with fake tits (surgery assisted) treat them like they belong to someone else?

    I'm not kidding, you get a girl with fake tits for a pool party and she just can't wait to show everyone what her ex paid for.

    There was some show on HBO where they showed the surgery of this girl getting new tits, and the first thing she does after the bandages come off, is run to her mom and say "Mom! Look at my new tits!" and of course Mom looks at them like she would never in a million years have use for those.

  2. Dang, I need to start going to the Nashville Predator's games more!

  3. Are rabid fans really fans or are they attention seekers?

  4. ...of course Mom looks at them like she would never in a million years have use for those.

    Mom is NOT alone. Fake tits are an immediate disqualification, with one exception: reconstructive surgery after a mastectomy. All others need not apply.

    Ed: You DO need to watch more Preds... they're on a real roll.

    Are rabid fans really fans or are they attention seekers?

    I believe it's the latter, Lou.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.