Monday, September 05, 2011

Today's Happy Hour Soundtrack

White Boys (and Girl) play da blooze...

This isn't the version we heard during Happy Hour, but it's close enough.  This is what we heard...

... which is a collaboration of magnificent proportions.  I SO wanna know a woman (in the Biblical sense, as well as all the others) who can play the blues... as opposed to makin' me sing the blues... just once before I die.

So we're just in from Happy Hour, which was spent in the company of our neighbor Gilbert, wherein we fixed most of what ails the world.   It's now time for a quick nap before dinner, where we'll be caressed by sweet soft breezes that are wafting in our windows, as we speak.  It don't get a whole helluva lot better than this.


  1. Tab Benoit is one of my favorites. He plays here often, but I've gottent to see him live only once.

  2. Tab is relatively new to me but I like him a LOT.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.