Friday, September 02, 2011

OCD, Part II

I got up about 20 minutes ago and am just now enjoying my first cup... which isn't bad considerin' I was up until past 0600 hrs this morning... labeling frickin' posts!  I took these screen shots before I went to bed:

You mebbe thought I was kidding about the OCD thang?


  1. Well, that's rather peculiar. Yes it's cool, especially in these dog days of August. Was there any one post in particular that did it?

  2. Moogie: Thanks.

    Morgan: That radical increase in page views is all ME. Site Meter claims you can turn off your IP address but I've never been able to get that "feature" to work.

  3. Okay, now you are just being a techie. Although it is pretty cool.

  4. Okay, I was gonna ask what the entry page was, because I have goobled OCD from every conceivable angle, and no EIP showed up.

    The mystery is sloved. Gotta hit the sack now that my curiosity has been satisfied. Got big doins tomorrow. REAL LIFE starts up again.

    Sleep well, my friend. Heavy lifting ahead...

  5. Lou: Heh. I know lotsa people that would laugh at hearing me and techie in the same sentence.

    Andy: Heavy liftin' for you, mebbe, but not for me. Although it could have been that...

    Good luck, whatever that involves.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.