Saturday, July 09, 2011


Techies and early adopters are aware Google recently launched Google+, a social networking app whose main intent seems to be dethroning Facebook, about which I'm ALL in favor.  Occasional Readers of EIP know I'm not a fan of I hate Facebook.  My active dislike is part Groucho Marx (i.e., "I wouldn't join any club that would have me as a member."), part reluctance to "follow the crowd," but is mostly about personal experience.  I "did" Facebook for three months or so but dropped out because of all the inane shit I was bombarded with... stuff I had no interest in and ultimately resented enough to cash it all in (WTF is this "poking" shit, anyway?).  Which is to say:  I quit.

Enter Google+.  I got an invite to join the app today and I did so.  I'm not against social networking per se, partial evidence bein' my love of Twitter, and I signed up for Google+ in the hopes the good things I heard about the app will make it a much better experience than Facebook.  The WSJ had an article on Google+ yesterday Thursday, which included this video:

The article also went on to say these things:
... deliver a better service. Adopting a new social network could prove similar to adopting a new email address: Many will try it out, but to keep using it, they have got to be given good reason. That Gmail offered significantly more storage space than typical Web mail meant millions were willing to make the switch. Similarly, Google+ offers upgrades on what many perceive to be Facebook's shortcomings.

For starters, Google+ gives users a handy way to organize their social contacts into different "circles"—friends, relatives, colleagues, etc.—with which they can share appropriate things. Though Facebook now offers the option to create "Groups," users broadcast their information to everyone by default.

Google+ also offers group video chats. That is why Facebook's announcement of one-on-one video on Wednesday seemed to fall short. Facebook has yet to introduce group video chat.

The biggest hurdle for Google+ is getting users, of course. But it is integrating the service with Gmail, which already has 240 million unique users world-wide, according to comScore. Meanwhile, the user experience on Facebook is a victim of the site's success. Users have accumulated so many online "friends" it can be difficult to organize them. And users often feel assaulted by too much or irrelevant social information, like Zynga game updates. Ultimately, Google+ is a chance for social networkers to start over.
Yep... I like the chance to start over.  It's gonna take me some time to learn G+, but there are aspects of the app I love already... specifically the "sparks" function, which provides you with user-defined blurbs and articles from all over these inner-tubes.  I defined cigars, craft beer, and single malt scotch as my initial interests and received some really cool stuff I would have missed otherwise.  Facebook wasn't ever that nice to me.  So far, so good.


  1. OOh...OOh...if you get the chance to invite anyone...PLEASE consider me! I've been trying to get on G+ since it came out. I really think this will be the best alternative to F/B...and I'm hoping to use some of the best parts of the app (circles!).

    Glad to hear you're liking it so far!


  2. Dang. I'm not sure there's enough room left in my head to learn another one.


  3. Well, if this catches on I guess we won't be "friending" people.

    We'll be "goobling" them.

    That actually sounds like a lot more fun.

    I'm going to look in to this...

  4. Moogie: G+ is pretty easy. So far.

    Andy: I like it. So far. ;-)

  5. Okay, Buck...I've had a chance to look in to it. I never had a MySpace. I got to Facebook after most of my real friends...gave it a shot, and experienced miserable miserable that I started Fagbooking under an alias (I'm still working on that monster FailBook post, btw).

    According to an article I found on the extremely reliable Huffington Post, y'all "cool kids" can invite 15 folks. I'm not saying that I'll hate you forever if you don't send me an invitation to a chair on the ground floor...

    I'm just begging! I am a Gooble fanboy, and I KNOW that anything those nerds come up with is WAY bitchin' compared to the second class nerds out there.

    This is hard for me. I don't like begging, and I wait forever until I'm coaxed in to crap like The Facebook (don't get me wrong...the alias works pretty okay).

    But, I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want an invitation. Maybe the ever reliable HuffPo is wrong, and you can't invite me. Maybe this whole comment is based on bad info. But, I'd like come and do your laundry and junk if you put my name in the pot.

    Really, I would.

  6. I never joined Facebook because I don't have time for Farmville and all the other nonsense and the constant "status updating" that seems to obsess my co-workers. Now I'm really angry that corporations want you to "like" them on FB before they give you a coupon, free sample, etc.

    G+ sounds promising. I'm thinking of getting a new gmail address anyway. Congrats on being one of the chosen ones. Keep us informed on your G+ experience, and maybe the rest of us will get lucky and get invited to the G+ party. :)

  7. There are things I like about FB and things that I do not like. It's the same with all things in life. But I do like to try new things and I do like to be in the know - except for Twitter - I'm reluctant to follow the crowd.

  8. I use fb to snoop on people from my past. I haven't posted my real name and leave things pretty vague; It's fun and only slightly creepy.

    I will lurk on the google thing and watch the fun.

  9. I am a Gooble fanboy, and I KNOW that anything those nerds come up with is WAY bitchin' compared to the second class nerds out there.

    You're just sayin' that coz you own Google. I know blatant boosterism when I see it.

    Red: I loves me some G-mail. It has the world's BEST spam algorithm, in that I NEVER see spam in my in-box and I get a TON of it, like everyone else. Ya gotta love the 7.6 GB of storage, too.

    It's fun and only slightly creepy.

    Only slightly? Heh.

    Lori: Poke (back).

  10. Lou: Twitter is cool. I think you'd like it.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.