Saturday, June 04, 2011

Heh. And Home.

From the Usual Source...

Yeah... you'll believe anything if you bought into that hopey-changey stuff.  How's that workin' out for ya, if ya DID buy into it?

We're back in P-Ville after an uneventful trip back home to Texas.  I can hear you now, Gentle Reader, when you say "Home?  What's with this 'home' stuff, Buck?"  I always get a feelin' of minor elation when I cross the state line into Texas and that's really a weird kinda thang, seein' as how I'm a Texan in name only.  What I mean by that is I carry a Texas driver's license, I keep Texas plates on my vehicles, and my "home of record" is in Livingston... a tiny lil burg about two hours north o' Houston.  But have I ever LIVED there?  No...

Some day I'm gonna pull the trigger and become a New Mexican.  I've been thinkin' about that for at least four years now and I just can't bring myself to do it.  It has sumthin' to do with that feelin' I get drivin' across the state line.  Well, there's that and the fact I pay no state income tax.  Naw, it couldn't be the taxes now, could it?


  1. Florida doesn't have taxes, either.

    I wouldn't mind living in the Southwest so much, but I really like the access to waterways and oceans.

    Preferences. And costs of choice.

  2. Preferences. And costs of choice.

    Yup on both counts, Darryl.

  3. MissBirdlegs in AL05 June, 2011 16:22

    A gal from my hometown has retired on Lake Livingston. She's lived around Houston & Lake Livingston for about 50 yrs - raised her family there. She loves it.

  4. Lake Livingston IS pretty, Katy. But I could never live there: dry county. Aiiieee!

  5. Ah, that cartoon truly "rocks" as the young say. See you tonight at beer o'clock, my friend.

  6. My ol' Korea-vet dad said it took 35 years to become a New Mexican, but that I had the advantage of being born here....

    I've read your blog for about a year now: I want to ride down on the FJR and visit you; of course with supplications of brew and cigars from Monte's in ABQ.

    My ol' man also said: "You will never appreciate this place until you leave." You were so right, ol' man....

    As a real New Mexican, I love and Hate this place, but I can't bear to live anywhere else. (dammit)


  7. C'mon down, Gray! I appreciate good company... and anyone with a shared interest in beer and cigars qualifies, by definition.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.