Friday, June 10, 2011

Clever People, Those Chinese

From our Taiwanese friends at NMA-TV... their take on the SCF:

Which isn't so far off the mark, as far as the take on sports by your run-o'-the mill American.  "Red-headed step child," indeed.  Cute.

Now... all THAT said... I'm no longer agnostic on the subject of who to root for in the SCF.  Let this Fact be submitted to a candid world:  GO BRUINS!

(And don't be callin' me a bandwagoneer.  The series is tied at 2-2, I've watched both teams throughout their playoff run, and I hadn't made up my mind until now.  So there.)


  1. I know what a Bruin looks like. But unless one actually says something I wouldn't know a Canuck if it was sitting next to me... unless he was Red Green.

  2. (And don't be callin' me a bandwagoneer. The series is tied at 2-2, I've watched both teams throughout their playoff run, and I hadn't made up my mind until now. So there.)


    Err, alrighty then. Though I thought a bandwagoneer was someone who did just that.

    Sorry, but I can't root for anything out of Bawston.

  3. Skip: I know quite a few Canucks. Part if that comes from livin' just across the river from Windsor, another part is the blog-buds I have in Canuckistan. Good people!

    Sorry, but I can't root for anything out of Bawston.

    Those Chinese ARE perceptive, ain't they? I mean... "one of America's most-hated sports cities." Heh.

    As far as bein' a bandwagoneer... see my sidebar, Anon. NOTHING and NO ONE shall EVER replace the Beloved Wings.

  4. OMG Buck - I'm having heart palps right now... Boston is out shooting Vancouver but we can't get in the right place at the right time! ARRRGGGHH!!

  5. Vancouver close to I'll go with the Canucks.

    That, and you can't pay me to root for any team from the other coast.

  6. Buck, please keep rootin' for the Bruins, being as I can't stand Bawston fans and being that we got this result tonight, I'm thinking it isn't a bad thing for you to root for them.

    You Wagoneer you. ;)

  7. Alison: I feel yore pain. ONE danged garbage goal...

    BR: I imagine a lot o' folks in the PacNorWest feel the same as you. But the Canucks are a hard team to like.

    Anon: Heh. I was rootin' for Chicago last year, and look what happened.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.