Thursday, May 05, 2011


In case you haven't heard... the Superman back story.  The toon is from the usual source.


  1. Well, some argument could be made that "The American Way" ain't so "Super" as it used to be.

    But maybe it'll revive. One can hope.

  2. I always have hope, Andy.

  3. I'm sorry I just don't see Obama as Superman much less a Seal (if I have understood the cartoon right, that's him right?). What made America great was the calibre of immigration. The can do spirit in the national interest of America as opposed to the 'can do for me' kind of thing. I haven't seen that for a long while and hope you can reverse it. Immigration policies are politically correct suicide. I wish I had been born many centuries back. Or at least when wars were fought and won on normal terms.

  4. I didn't have the same take, Alison. I see the guy in the poster as a generic SEAL... someone who could be on a US Navy recruiting poster... and a worthy hero for any young man. That's why the Superman poster is in the trash, he's been replaced.

    I kinda sorta agree with you about bein' born too late, but I'm oh-so-glad I didn't miss the inter-tubes. ;-)

  5. Ohh sorry. I read you as being sarcastic. It's a British reflex :D I thought that was Obama - it was the hair.

  6. I'm not sure War has ever been fought on "normal" terms. All is fair in Love and War.
    Having studied war at the Navy War College, I can tell you that the acme of war is to never have one. Other nations and adversaries should pause before contemplating ANY action against our nation's interests. Having assets, like Navy Seals, allows our nation to influence others.
    Wars with terrorists can never be "won" in the conventional sense. This type of war is more about will and beliefs than governments and land.

  7. I can tell you that the acme of war is to never have one.

    Yup. And what you said about "will," too.

  8. Sam, you're a helluvaguy!

    I don't care what your Deddy says about you, I'm a fan anyway.

    I didn't know the Navy had a war college. I'll bet you need good ACTs to get in there, too!

    That's why I hang out with your old man...for learnin'.

    God bless you. Really. I mean it.

  9. Thanks Andy!


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