Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Just Thinkin'

We're stayin' in today, mainly coz we were cautioned to avoid splashing water in our recently repaired eye for a day or two.  Given that I'm a klutz of the highest order I've decided to skip today's shower just to make SURE I don't get water in my eye.  That's the safest way to be absolutely certain, yanno?  Goin' without my daily shower pains me but I'm sure it would pain those around me even more...

The first order of bid'niz tomorrow will be to go shopping for a pair... or pairs, plural... of sunglasses, something I've had no need of doin' for the past 54 years or so.  I've opted at various times to buy separate prescription sunglasses or those pricey and mostly ineffective "transition" lenses.  Goin' that route necessarily limited my options, but now?  The whole wide wonderful world of sunglasses is open to me...

I spent some time today on Ray-Ban's web site and was shocked to see just how very proud they are of their product line.  I mean, waaay-proud!  Example:

OK, they're iconic, and all that... ("I can see you/ Your brown skin shinin' in the sun/ Ya got that hair slicked back and those/ Wayfarers on") but I'm kinda-sorta cheap.  And I'm not about to put a Deadhead sticker on my non-existent Cadillac, seein' as how those things seem to go hand in hand.

There may be an answer or a cheaper alternative, at the very least.  SN1 tells me the clothing sales store out at the base sells USAF gub'mint issue aviator sunglasses for cheap... like 50 Yankee Dollars, or so.  That may be the way to go coz those things are ALWAYS in style... an essential element of the classic male look since WW II.

In the meantime... let's sing along with Mr. Henley:

And put those Wayfarers on, Bay-bee.


  1. I'm surprised your ophthalmologist did not give you a free pair of those oversive, wrap-around brown sunglasses I see many cataract patients wearing all the time. Not too stylish, but the price is right.

  2. I bought Toby a pair of aviator sunglasses at Sheppard. He is notorious for losing sunglasses. So he keeps his nice aviators in the glove-box and wears his cheapos from Harbor Freight - 2 dolla! Me, I have some Bolle' glasses. I've had them for about ten years.

  3. Ron: I did get a pair of free sunglasses. The price was right... but they look a lot like welding goggles, only worse.

    Lou: It remains to be seen (heh) how I'll deal with sunglasses but I don't think I'll be losing them. OTOH, ya never know...

  4. Dollar General is your source for fine eye wear. Never forget that. 5 bucks tops.

    Did I break YouTube, or am I not the only one that can't access Mr. Henley's video?

  5. Andy: Mr. Henley's video plays for me -- it's playin' as we speak. I can see you, your brown skin shinin' in the sun. Izzat REALLY you?

  6. Buck, I wore NOTHING BUT the original Ray-Bans in college 62-66. My faves were the translucent bronze/tan and the translucent wine-red ones--both with visible striations--remember those? And the cost? IIRC the OUTLANDISH price of $26/pair. LOL!!

  7. PS: Looks like mine would be your model#RB2140-33@$139/pair You can just make out the translucent action going on in the ear-piece.

  8. BUCK!--I'M goin' to spam again!!!

  9. What IS it about you, Virgil? ;-)

  10. The wrap around type that you get for free are to keep the light from sneaking in the sides. Why not look at the various styles that wrap around yet look cool?

    Surprised you didn't go for "Cheap Sunglasses".

  11. I bought these polarized glasses at CVS. At first I thought they were pretty neat. After a week I pitched them out the car window, somewhere along I-40 to Bakersfield.

    Those suckers produced a headache that only my worst date had before. Do you know why women give men severe headaches? Because they can. (sorry for all the dogs out there for stealing your line).

  12. Surprised you didn't go for "Cheap Sunglasses".

    The thought crossed my mind, Anon. But Ray-Bans ain't cheap!

    Headache: I hear ya. I'm NOT a fan of cheap sunglasses.

  13. Have my eye set in these for a couple months now -

    Got a similar pair in all gold. Bent the frame a few months back though. (Oh man, what a night, slept in my breezeway, too drunk to get inside.)

    Only buy B&L's. “Cause, as you know, Buck, they're (use to be) from here. Plus they are great sunglasses & you get what ya' pay for... And polarized is the only way to go, especially on the lake fishing…or drinking…

  14. Excellent points, tim. I shoulda mentioned the Ra-cha-cha angle in this post, coz the fact was never lost on me. And I agree COMPLETELY about the "ya get what ya pay for" point.

  15. Sunglasses drive me nuts. I should wear them if for no other reason than to discourage those "fine lines and wrinkles" around the eyes.

    Happy bargaibn hunting!


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