Monday, February 14, 2011

A V-Day Wrap Up

We spent some time perusing the Viral Video charts this afternoon and were ever so slightly amazed at what's hot on this Valentine's Day.  First of all there was Barry White, from 1974:

And then this, from 1996:

And then this, which brought us back to reality as we know it:

The first two tunes are from Former Happy Days, albeit separated as they are by some 20 or more years.  Misery Bear and I seem to share a certain gestalt concerning this day.  Sorta.  But it is what it is, and we're hopin' YOUR V-Day was all chocolates and flowers, Gentle Reader.  With an appropriate follow-on, of course.


  1. Spaghetti for dinner with a mild Chianti followed by watching Maury on the teevee.

    That's all it was for the Barco crew, just Monday.

    Have a nice week.

  2. Hangin' with the dogs, left-over Chinese food and beer. Not much goes on at The House of Deb.

  3. Nothin' like a little Barry White sleaze on Romance day. I didn't know the song or the group in the middle there, Sixpence None the Richer. In 1996 I was sunk in deep administrative doo doo and lost track of the outside world. That misery bear video is very clever. Joyce, who's got a little collection of bears, enjoyed that. Her newest bear (a gift from Scooney and wife) looks something like the little Teddy in the vid.

  4. Darryl: It was just another Monday here, too.

    Deb: Nothing much goes on HERE, either!

    Dan: I'm not sure if Misery Bear has his own channel on YouTube but there sure are a LOT of his vids there. Most of the stuff is very Brit-centric, but then... it would be, no?

    I was surprised to see "Kiss Me" on the viral vids list... as SNtR was pretty much a one-hit wonder kinda band. That song has strong personal associations with me...

  5. Honey-child, just reading you for the last couple of months wears me out! ;)

  6. You ladies are just too good for me. Don't stop. ;-)


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