Monday, February 14, 2011

The Best Thing I've Seen Lately

We have water and we don't have any leaks.  The ice dams had melted away by early this afternoon and I turned the water back on just for grins 'n' giggles.  Close inspection of the service areas and all visible water lines revealed nothing amiss, so we assume Dr. Andy was right about the problem being a holding tank overflow.  We WILL be keeping a close eye on things for the next few, however.

What amazes and mystifies me is this wasn't our first cold-weather rodeo, but it was the first time we had issues beyond the all-too-often frozen water lines.  Ah, well.  Stuff happens.

Now if you'll excuse me, please, I have some dishes to do.


  1. Whew! That was one nuclear-sized bullet you dodged, Buck! I'll bet you sleep better tonight, too. Thta gorgeous flowing water must be your Happy Valentine's Day greeting from Mother Nature!

  2. If you've been without water awhile, doing the dishes is a good thing. Glad you're back on track in the Casa Movil.

  3. Woo Hoo! Good news Buck.

    If your weather has been anything like ours, it wasn't just the sub-zero cold - it was the unrelenting cold.

    We are finally warm-er here today; this week we are to be in the 40s during the day. This is great good news as it will prompt a nice slow thaw of the nearly 4 feet of snow that has resolutely remained on the ground since early January. We haven't had any warm days to start to reduce the mounds.

    It's gonna be slushy and I'll take slushy over a sudden, spring thaw that would cause epic flooding!

  4. Moogie: You're right: we WILL sleep better tonight. You're right about the bullet, too. MAJOR avoidance, that was.

    Dan: Thank ya, Sir.

    Kris: Our cold was most certainly unrelenting; last week was about as bad as I've ever seen it here. Good news for you on the gradual warm-up, too!

    Matt: Thank ya!

  5. We WILL be keeping a close eye on things for the next few, however. And ear!
    heh WV: trial

  6. Glad to see things are closer to normal in your neck of the woods Buck! And glad that no actual leak was involved in the formation of the Pennington Glacier.

  7. Nothing makes you appreciate the little things so much as not having them for a while. Enjoy the dishwashing!

  8. Lou: You and me BOTH.

    Deb: Our last event was VERY silent; I had no ideer it happened until long after the glacier had formed.

    BR: Pennington Glacier Heh. It's turned into Lake Pennington now. I'm surprised I don't see ore boats on it...

    Jim: Yup.

  9. "Like!" Dude, I've been so occupied I somehow missed this.

    Talk about "livin' right!"


    Well, you know.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.