Saturday, February 12, 2011

This Just In...

"This" meaning me, as in just in from running the day's errands.  I broke a vow of sorts by going to Wally-World on a Saturday and it was a zoo, as it always is on the weekends.  But we had pent-up demand because we stayed indoors during our recent... ummm... cold snap, if you can call sub-zero wind-chills a "snap."  I used to enjoy going to the zoo once upon a time but that was a zoo of an entirely different sort.  Well, I suppose that's open to debate...

One of our local radio stations had a van set up in the parking lot and was blaring music out for the entertainment of Wally-Worlders as I arrived on the scene.  I had to laugh at the logo on the side of the van as I walked by... "ALL the greatest hits!"... boogieing as I was to the sounds of the Beach Boys singing "I Get Around."  Yup, all the greatest hits from damned near 50 years ago.  I looked around the parking lot and observed not one single soul who possibly could have been alive when "I Get Around" was in the Top 40.  Except for me, of course.  It sucks when the Oldies station plays music the deejays spun as you waltzed around your high school gym...


We could be doin' an outdoor Happy Hour today as it's 63 degrees outside, as we speak.  But I don't wanna, sez my Inner Child... mainly because I DON'T want to look at the much-too-slowly thawing ice lake (see above) that would be close to hand as we sat on the verandah.  Out of sight is out of mind, if you concentrate.

Concentration would be required, too, as the memory of hauling six gallons of water in from the outdoor tap is still fresh in my mind.  It's amazing how much water is required to do a small sink full of dishes, consisting mainly of three coffee cups, three beer glasses, and assorted dishes, plates, and silverware.  It will also be amazing if I don't succumb to food poisoning over the next few as I've resolved to rinse out each glass and cup immediately after using said vessel.  We WILL economize on dish soap, however... not to mention the fact we'll be eating out a lot more than usual, too.

And so it goes.


  1. I broke a vow of sorts by going to Wally-World on a Saturday...

    You and I are definitely two of a kind. A few years ago when I was a "family man," sorta, that was my non-negotiable item. I'd get the litany back about "but we gotta gotta gotta need need need" and my reply would be, tough titty said the kitty. If we had to have it on Saturday, then the latest I should've heard about it was Thursday night.

    Those were in the days before California Furlough Fridays. You'd be surprised how much Wal Mart camping gear is consumed by state employees, who've beat feet outta here by Thursday afternoon. The "state employee to real person" ratio around here is much higher than people think, so when they're uphill tying up all the campground reservations things are pretty quiet down here on the weekends.

    But still. I've yet to find a W-Mart that doesn't go a little sideways & wonky on the weekends. I've yet to find one that couldn't submit some prize material to "People of Wal Mart" on an hourly basis.

    Word verification today: "progist".

  2. I don't know how radio stations stay in business with their programming.

    Can you imagine the look on the Walmart managers face when the salesman asked for $3k for a day of advertising? "I'll give you $50" he replies. OK, $1k says the salesman, but that's my final offer. "No deal, $100 and you have to play Beach Boys." Ah crap, not that surfer sh*t. "$500 bottom line for Beach Boys." Nope, I'll give you $250 and you can't jossle the customers. "Sold!"

  3. I've yet to find one that couldn't submit some prize material to "People of Wal Mart" on an hourly basis.

    Heh. I've been SO tempted to take my camera shopping...

    I don't know how radio stations stay in business with their programming.

    That is indeed an enduring mystery.

  4. Oh Buck, please, Please, PLEASE, take your camera to Wally-World! I'm sure that you're creative mind could come up with some prize captions for them.

    heh, WV dutio (it's your duty to your faithful)

  5. Ooooh! Yes! What Deb said!!! It's your dutio, Daddy-o (asan homage of sorts to the Beach Boyz)!

  6. Deb & Moogie: All y'all just wanna see me get my ass kicked. ;-)

  7. If anybody tries, we'll come and look after them.

    WV this time? ticat

  8. How low can people-of-Wal-Mart go? No, not that low...much, much lower.

  9. The Cold: I think as these gray hairs on my temples are starting their invasion of my head, I'm starting to appreciate the cold less and less.

    It was always the heat that I hated, craving the snow piles and crisp air. Now my knuckles, knees and shoulders ache a bit. Someone gave me a thick wool sweater a year or two ago. I opened it thinking "wtf, I'll never wear this thing..." Later that day (having put it on to appease the giver) I caught myself thinking "Gosh. This is actually kinda nice..."

    Walmart: I work out of the house. I avoid crowds and noise at all costs. I'd rather go without a meal or three than go to Walmart on a weekend, particularly when the weather is so unwelcoming.

    The Dishes: Perhaps paper plates and plastic forks?


Just be polite... that's all I ask.