Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Get Off My Lawn! (Valentine's Day Edition)

I only have to put up with this shit for another five days or so:

and this crap, too...

We're economical with our words and don't waste time reinventing the wheel, so in that spirit here's what we've said the last few years on this subject:
I’m glad this “special day” is here and will be gone with the sunset this evening. Why? So I won’t be exposed to Creepy Valentines Day advertisements on my teevee every 17 minutes. From these guys.  You know, the people who tell ya there’s “…only one gift guaranteed to get women to take their clothes off…” with “all that spa stuff that women just love,” the bottom-line being “she’ll think you spent weeks planning it.” Yeah. Right. To say these ads insult male intelligence is only scratching the surface. And were I a woman receiving a V-Day pajamagram, I’d seriously RE-consider the quality of my relationship. That goes for Vermont Teddy Bears, as well… perhaps double. I’ve read both businesses are owned by the same company. Which may or may not be true, but the ads for both products look very similar, so I tend to believe what I hear. About which…

Yet another business to add to my list of places to visit when I begin my post-retirement career as a midnite fire-bomber. 

That was YrHmblScrb, ranting on St. Valentine’s Day last year (ed: 2007). The supremely irritating ads for VTBs and PajamaGrams began last Monday evening, as best as I can determine, and tend to run in various late night slots. FNC’s “Red Eye” seems overrun with the ads, just to cite one example, which presents me with yet another case where my mute button gets the ultimate work-out. The PajamaGram ads are quite tolerable with the sound turned off, though. Nice eye-candy. The VTB ads? Not so much…
At least the PajamaGram folks came up with something new this year: the incredibly erotic "hoodie-footie."  There's nothing like covering up all the fun bits... from head to toe... with pink fleece to pique a man's interest, eh?  A hoodie-footie would be very useful in the sort of weather we've been having of late, but it is NOT suitable boudoir wear.

Ah, well.  Valentine's Day was sorta fun in the third grade, unless you happened to be one of those kids who didn't get any Valentines or didn't get enough tacky cards to make the "popular" cut.  Ya hadda feel bad for those kids, but we digress.  I submit we should send V-Day back to school and KEEP it there.  A pox on Hallmark Holidays.  AND their associated ads.


In other news... It wasn't supposed to get this gotdamned cold last night:

But it did.   I took that screen-shot around 2200 hrs last evening; we've warmed up to eight degrees (-13 windchill) since then.  We sure are burnin' a lot of propane this year.


  1. A hoodie-footie would be very useful in the sort of weather we've been having of late, but it is NOT suitable boudoir wear. 100% in agreement with you there. Can you imagine having to wade through all that to get to the good parts?

  2. "A pox on Hallmark Holidays..."

    I second the motion. May we bring it to a vote?

  3. Deb: I've tried to imagine just that and I cannot. I did get a couple o' giggles out of it, tho.

    Jim: Well, OK... let's VOTE!

  4. Hoodie footie, indeed. Why not just ask our lovers if they'd like for us to mummy wrap them?

  5. I got pressure from the Spousal Unit about the upcoming weekend. She seems to want me to do something via delivery so that she can make her staff feel jealous.

    Indeed; When does it end?

    She would not be amused by a foppish Vermont bear or fruity night clothing.

    I'm lucky enough to have her, why should I have to prove it to her friends?

  6. Why not just ask our lovers if they'd like for us to mummy wrap them?

    Heh. I'm QUITE sure there are some fetishists out there that do just that. But I don't wanna KNOW... ;-)

    Darryl: Give in. Send her flowers. You'll reap the bennies, I'm sure. I know I certainly did, back in the day. ;-)

  7. Buck the Bah Humbug of Valentine's Day! Sometimes people need a bit of reminding of romance in their lives. Yes, I know that the ads make men look Stoopid, but just because you got the milk cow doesn't mean you don't have to pet on it now and then and feed it special hay, etc. to get better milk of course.

  8. All this talk of petting cows, bears with batting guts, and fleece loungewear is kinda creepin' me out. Whatever happened to the good ol' fashioned slathering of melted chocolate onto one's loved one, and then, um, removing it? Someone must have sneaked me into a hoodie footie -- it's getting warm in here.

  9.'s getting warm in here.

    Heh. I like your chocolate thought, Moogie. That's the best variation on a theme I've heard all day!

    Lou: I suppose a slap on the butt, coupled with a whispered "you're lookin' GOOD today!" doesn't qualify as keepin' the romance alive, eh? That might explain my current relationship status, come to think on it... ;-)

  10. I suppose a slap on the butt, coupled with a whispered "you're lookin' GOOD today!" doesn't qualify as keepin' the romance alive, eh? Buck that would be on par with gettin' home reeking of someone else's perfume with lipstick on yer collar, and slappin' her on the butt and saying "You're next!"

  11. I'm reasonably certain that if I ever presented Mrs. BR with footie pajamas as a gift, my lifeless corpse would be found hanging from the nearest tree, with said pajamas serving as a the noose.

  12. How about a tear away Hoodie Footie!

  13. Buck, you're right, I did. I sent the order in on Monday and am not thinking about it so she can't read my mind. It's a $134 buck surprise scheduled for Friday.

  14. Buck that would be on par with gettin' home...

    Ya think? Like I said, mebbe this explains my current relationship status.

    BR: Heh. You married well, BR.

    Ed: How about NO hoodie-footies, at ALL?

    Darryl: You are a very smart man, in many more ways than one.

  15. "Slap on the butt..."

    I don't know, Buck. It is all in the delivery.

  16. That's what I was thinkin', Lou... coz I've had some good results with that approach in the past. Just sayin'.


Just be polite... that's all I ask.