Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Everyone Talks About the Weather...

... but no one does anything about it.  Or so the ol' sayin' goes.  Well, I fully intend to do something with this today:

Doin' "something" means "put my awning down" for Happy Hour... in freakin' February, no less.  I mentioned yesterday that it was almost too hot to sit outside in 72 degree heat; I fully suspect 81 degrees will be too much for me today.  But we shall endeavor to persevere.  It's our DUTY.

Update, 1515 hrs:  We've been driven inside by the heat, the wind bein' slightly too high to deploy our awning but not high enough to soothe the sun's burning rays.  But we did get in more than an hour of Vitamin D intensive therapy and that's a good thing.  And, as is our habit, here's a part of Today's Happy Hour Soundtrack:

My heart and my soul, I give You control
Consume me from the inside out Lord
Let justice and praise, become my embrace
To love You from the inside out

Your will above all else, my purpose remains
The art of losing myself in bringing you praise
Wow.  Those lyrics have a double meaning at the very least, considering what I'm reading at the moment.  But nevermind.  We shall continue as we've begun.


  1. It IS your duty, Buck, and also to report back on conditions.

    vw blessess

  2. Done, Deb. The heat drove me inside.

  3. Changing my name to Jealous in New England.

  4. Man, what a turnabout...'round here, too. Praise God, Hallelujah!

    HA! WV: suness

    Ya' know, you just can't make this stuff up.

  5. Buck, I'm a confused. Those lyrics you posted definitely have double meaning, but when I listened/watched the video, those lyrics were not in the song. Am I missing something?

    Yesterday was beautiful, but afternoon got a bit windy here, too. It is suppose to be nice today too - I'm planning on being outside and soakin' up some rays while I can.

  6. Moogie: Vitamin D is good!

    Matt: Ah, but you have the beautiful Fall. That's when I get jealous.

    Andy: I'm lovin' the change and I know you are, too.

    Lou: My bad. There are two songs titled "Inside Out," this one by Eve6 and another by Hillsong United. I chose the wrong group's lyrics and I damned well should have known better. The lesson is "never post after four beers."

  7. That is an excellent point. Fall is without a doubt my favorite time of year.

    More than the colors, I really enjoy the SMELL of fall. The first whiff of ... well, I guess it's technically leaf decay... and my mind is sent spiraling with feelings of relief from the summer heat, the feeling of a light jacket, images of going back to school, the enjoyment of Halloween, etc... No other season is linked as strongly to so many feelings of nostalgia for me.

  8. You and me both, Matt, which is why I said I get envious. Fall is my favorite season for much the same reasons as you gave and it just ain't the same here on The High Plains of New Mexico. Not even CLOSE.

  9. I gotta weigh in. I do truly love Autumn, for more reasons than the weather. Think Geaux.

    But, Spring really is my favorite season. I once saw some information on moving to Guatemala. They called it the "land of eternal Springtime" or some such thing. It sounded good to me, and I looked in to it.

    Seems they play a lot of soccer down there, so I decided to pass.

  10. Spring is my SECOND favorite season. I think that's true of anyone who's ever spent any time at all Up Nawth. Speakin' of movin' to Guatemala... I once had it in my mind that Mexico would be a good place for a semi-senile Ol' Guy. But I changed my mind recently; ammunition is just too damned expensive nowadays.


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