Friday, January 07, 2011

How To COMPLETELY Waste A Set o' Tires In Less Than Eight Minutes

I thought long and hard about the title to this post, considering "What NASCAR SHOULD Be," "How To Drive," "What Driving's REALLY About," and prolly three or four more, including some with "Unbelievable" and "Ford" in the title.  Ford?  Really?  Yeah, really.  And begrudgingly, too.  Be that as it may, the video ends in a somewhat unexpected (but cool!) manner.

Anyhoo.  This IS amazing stuff.

Hat-tip to my gearhead mo'sickle Buddy and Occasional Correspondent Lin, who used to blog but is now retired.


  1. The guy's definitely a talented driver!

  2. Well, then.

    The boy *does* seem to have a good grasp of physics.

  3. I tried that once in my parent's Scout when I was a teenager... Took out a juniper bush and almost hit a flagpole.

  4. Yup to all of the above! And I've done a few of those moves too, Inno, inadvertently, with much less control, and usually on ice. ;-)


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